This photo is from May 1993. I have a sheet of negatives from that shoot: most of similarly low quality, but I see now that there is one better quality one, which we probably didn't use for QLQA because it was horizontal format. I will try to get that neg scanned. (I have a couple of devices for scanning negs, but have trouble getting them to work for me.) [This] photo is one that I took. I have the original negative and have scanned the 8 by 10 print. The file attached is a lower res version: the TIFF is 8 Mb and the larger jpeg is 5 Mb. I can provide them if you wish (I could share them on DropBox), but I suspect the attached file is adequate to your needs. The original photo, which was shot in very low light, is underexposed and blurry in any case, so higher resolution won't get you much.