
5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
YMCA Newcomer 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth Program's Home Gardening Workshop'
Are you an immigrant and newcomer LGBTQIA+ person interested in plants, gardening, and meeting new people? You are invited to attend YMCA Newcomer 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth Program's Home Gardening Workshop!
The home gardening workshop aims to equip participants with knowledge to cultivate edible plants in Canadian climate. Attached are images of gardening kit (seeds, planters, plant labels) participants will receive after attending the workshop. You’ll get resources to cultivate healthy food and mental as well as physical practices.
Register for the workshop at 902 221 3386 or ahrthyh.arumugam@halifax.ymca.ca.
Location: Provided after registration.


6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
🧗 QueerClimbs
A monthly event (last Wednesday of each month) promoting accessible, safe and inclusive spaces for the queer (2SLGBTQIA+) climbing community. The event starts at 6 PM, and if it is your first visit to the location, East Peak staff members will be conducting gym orientation sessions at 6 PM, 7 PM, and 8 PM. This way, we ensure that everyone feels comfortable and familiar with the surroundings.
Non-members can attend for only $10 + tax. East Peak is pleased to include harness and climbing shoe rentals at no additional cost for all climbers, ensuring that you have everything you need for a fantastic climbing experience!
Event registration is encouraged, whether you're a new or seasoned climber. Waivers and online payments for non-member climbers can also be submitted through the link.
Location: East Peak, 6408 Quinpool Road


6:30 to 9:15 p.m.
EastCoastQueers: Trivia Night
Doors open at 6:30 pm, trivia from 7 to 9 (approximately) - attendees are welcome to stay and socialize afterwards.
Price is $7 per seat, sold as tables (minimum 2 seats). Space is limited, advance purchase is required. Tickets available for purchase online.
This is a 19+ 2SLGBTQIA+ event, however allies are welcome.
Location: Brightwood Brewery, 35 Portland St, Dartmouth