

6:30 p.m. Monthly: third Tuesday of the month
LGBT Monthly Community Dinner
Join some senior members of the local LGBT scene for a meal, a chat, and a laugh. Bring a friend or two. Community Dinners alternate each month between Halifax and Dartmouth on the third Tuesday of each month.
For more information and to be added to the mailing list, see MonthlyCommunityDinner


"The Fruit Machine" Documentary Viewing & Fireside Chat presented by TD Bank Group and Halifax Public Libraries
We invite you to join the TD Atlantic 2SLGBTQ+ and Women@TD Employee Resource Groups, together with the Halifax Public Libraries to view the award-winning documentary film "The Fruit Machine" followed by a fireside chat with survivors of Canada's longest-running, largest-scale violations of human rights of any workforce in Canadian history.
From the 1940s through the 1990s, the Canadian government purged homosexuals from civil and military service. Learn first-hand how Survivors united to seek justice and how they continue to focus on reconciliation and memorialization, today.
RSVP by following this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LQKC6DM
Location: Halifax Central Library – Paul O'Regan Hall, 5440 Spring Garden Rd
Not able to make it in person? Visit the Halifax Public Libraries YouTube channel for a live broadcast.
Panelists include:
Linda Goguen-Manning (she/her) Retiree Veterans Affairs Canada
Martine Roy (she/her) TD Regional Manager, Eastern Canada 2SLGBTQ+
Diane Pitre (she/her) Founder & Co-chair Rainbow Veterans of Canada
Trigger Warning: This event's film and panel discussion covers past experiences and has themes of rape, sexual assault and details PTSD as a result of sexual assault. This content is disturbing and may be traumatizing for some - please engage in self-care as you watch and listen.
TD, together with the Halifax Public Libraries, has identified the Green Room as a safe space, which will be available on site for anyone to utilize throughout the evening.