

6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Why LGBTQ+ Visibility Matters More Than Ever
Michelle Douglas, executive director of the LGBT Purge Fund, will be speaking to why the LGBT ThePurge and LGBTQ+ visibility matters more than ever. Come have a conversation about this topic and learn more about this part of our history. You will also be able to hear about some ongoing activist, archival, and historical projects working to preserve and document LGBTQ+ history in Nova Scotia. More information online.
Location: Living Room on the 5th floor, Central Library, 5440 Spring Garden Road


6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
RainbowMoto Meetup 🏍️
All moto enthusiasts and moto curious folks welcome! Whether you own your own, curious of owning your own, want to support a queer space or want to see some queer moto babes *swoon*, this is open to anyone! As always, allies are welcome.
Location: The Dingle, 260 Dingle Road