- GayFinanceBasics
- Planning for WeddingBellBliss
- Marry Me... Marry my money? MarriageContracts explained
- GayMarriagePreparation before saying I DO!
- SameSexPartnership and your Finances (what the LAW says)
- ProtectingYourEstate from turmoil and family issues
- LifeInsurance advances your financial planning
- IncomeSplitting to reduce your tax bite
- WILL you do it? WhatsInaWill?
- The CostOfDying - Probate fees and Final Expenses Explained
- WhoDoesWhat after you die?
- GayFinanceAuthor
This column, written and published your Investors Group Financial Services Inc. consultant, is presented as a general source of information only and is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell investments, nor is it intended to provide professional advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice.