LGBTI Network

The LGBTI Network (the Network) is a collective of employees of the Province of Nova Scotia who identify as: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, intersex, queer, or questioning, as well as people who identify as allies.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Intersex (LGBTI) Network seeks to build its visibility with LGBTI employees and develop relationships with senior management within the Nova Scotia public service.

Mission Statement

Create and maintain supportive workplaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) employees of the Province of Nova Scotia.


From a July 18, 2011 press release:

The LGBTI network was formed in March, 2009 for Government of Nova Scotia public servants. It is a safe-place for public servants who identify with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex communities to discuss opportunities to create a more inclusive work environment.

KevinBarrett? is one of the core members of the network and he says he is pleased to be part of today's ceremony. "LGBTI's role in government is to create and maintain a supportive workplace for LGBTI employees and their allies," said Mr. Barrett. "We are building a strong vibrant presence in government with the help of departments like the Public Service Commission and Communities, Culture and Heritage on diversity and inclusion."

LauraBarbour? has been a member of the network since it began. "People who identify as LGBTI represent a large and important part of the social fabric of Nova Scotia. They are our local business owners, teachers, friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers," said Ms. Barbour. "Today marks the first time in history that a Pride flag will be flown from the legislature. This is a positive step forward for all Nova Scotians."

The network meets regularly to discuss opportunities to create a more inclusive work environment.

The press release in July, 2011 reports that the network has more than 35 public servant members.