Wabanaki Two Spirit Alliance Gathering August 31, 2011 to September 4, 2011
Schedule Is Subject To Change
Wednesday, 31st August, 2011
- Tides: low 4:14, high 10:07, low 4:50pm, high 10:30pm
- 6:00pm on: Meet & Greet
Each Day
- 6:30 Sunrise Ceremony
- 7:30 - 8:00 am Breakfast
- 10:00 -10:20 am Coffee Break
- noon - 1:00 pm Lunch break
- 2:00 - 2:20 pm Coffee Break
- 6:00 - 7:00pm Dinner
Thursday, 1st September, 2011: Day 1: Physical
- Tides: low 5:06, high 10:53, low 5:43pm, high 11:19pm
- Sunrise Ceremonies / Pipe Ceremonies / Sweat Lodge
- Opening Ceremony / Check In
- Plenary: Will include Balancing Water & Fire Ceremony
Learning Circles
- Identifying / Gathering Medicine Plants
- Sharing Circle: "What are our contemporary roles?"
- Dinner
- Social Activity
- Sweat Lodge
- Agojowa Dance
Friday, 2nd September, 2011: Day 2: Emotional
- Tides: low 6:03, high 11:40, low 6:38pm
- Sunrise Ceremony
- Opening Ceremony / Check In: "The Closet: where our emotions are hidden"
- Plenary: AndreaCurrie "When our emotions are hidden"
Learning Circles
- Suicide Intervention & Prevention
- Unleashing Your Creative Spirit: Basket Making
- Sharing Circle: "In your face, being out and proud"
- Social Activity: Waltis competition, Basket Making, Drumming
- Storytelling: all
Saturday, 3 September, 2011: Day 3: Mental
- Tides: high 0:10am, low 7:08, high 12:30pm, low 7:37
- Sunrise Ceremony
- Opening Ceremony / Check In: "Decolonizing Ourselves"
Learning Circles
- Healthy Sexuality for two-spirited Folks
- HIV / AIDS issues presentation & discussion
- Sharing Circle: Our Histories, Our Teachings, Our Needs
- Lobster Dinner, Social Activities
- Maowiomi / pow wow
- No talent show
- Singing and drumming
Sunday, 4 September, 2011: Day 4: Spiritual
- Tides: high 1:04am, low 8:16, high 1:26pm, low 8:38pm
- Sunrise Ceremony
- Breakfast/Check In
- Plenary Presentation: When The Spirits Leave: Alcohol and Drug Use-Abuse and Recovery
Learning/Sharing Circle:
- Topic: Developing a Research Agenda: What are priorities for research for TS in the Atlantic?
Closing Plenary: Developing Allies, Strengthening and Using The Wabanaki Two-Spirit Alliance
- Will include filling out the post-survey
Feast & Giveaway Ceremony: Chicky & Rosie and everybody