Maritime Transgender Workplace Solutions Project

Confidential Transgender Data Base

Why a data base at all:


As the public become more educated they also ask questions. Some of these are not only valid but important questions. Just how many are there, what are their needs, where can and what do we need to make changes to, who do we need to train and in what way to meet these needs.


As the public becomes more aware, the transgendered community also become more focused at an earlier age. So as a community we need to have some idea how many peoples needs we are preparing to meet. Resources need to be in place at an earlier age. No one should grow up feeling they are alone and certainly not with the impression no one understands what they are going through.


From childhood to any age you wish to mention, the system has control over transgendered people more than any other sector of the community. They decide what we can wear, where we use the washroom and ultimately we are the only sector of society that has to prove to a multitude of so called professionals that we are not mentally ill before being able to access medical services that we have often clearly understood and desired since as early as two to six years of age.


In numbers we have is strength. With a more firm idea of our communities geography, the more strength we have when asking the oficials for fair representation and protection. While there is a need for the statistics, no government or large group or corporation can be trusted to address and protect this information. MTWSP has developed a data base that can be used to give out the data while protecting OUR identities. Only YOU have all the details, you can list under a self chosen name and get a number to match. Changes can be made as you self identify according to your personal growth.  While the word transgendered is perhaps not an umbrella name you identify with, in the data base we separate and identify by your choice. Whether Intersexed, Crossdresser, transsexual, Two spirit or any other, it is your choice.


We ask that you contact us in anyway comfortable to you.

No matter how you contact us, all we want is a general idea of:

 who you identify as,  the services you access or need, the age group you belong to, employment status, Income group, transition status if applicable, Birth gender assigned, gender identified with,

We also need to identify the numbers involved in sex trade and their needs, the  level of HIV/Aids in the community.


As little or as much information as you are comfortable with.


If you identify with our community, please contact us. If you know someone else who is part of our community, ask them to contact us.  No names or emails will be given out to any group for any reason. No data statistics will contain personal data. We want to hear where you were treated right and wrong and by who, so we can build a database of referral services that are TG safe and welcome.


To Contact MTWSP




Tel:      (902)568-2935


Fax:     (902)568-2935



            Denise Holliday

            162, Hwy 336 Upper Musquodoboit

            Halifax County, Nova Scotia   B0N 2M0