from Rev. John Smith: It was a hot but bearable day.There was great participation from Anglicans. I noted 17 Parishes (If I missed anyone let me know). Halifax - Cathedral, St. George's, St. Mark's, St. Margaret of Scotland. Dartmouth - Christ Church, St. Luke's, Eastern Passage Others - Emmanuel Spryfield, St. Andrew's Timberlea, French Village, Hubbards, St. Timothy's Hatchett Lake, All Saints Bedford, St. Francis by the Lakes, Holy Spirit Lakelands, Lantz, Antigonish.. Many thanks to those who carried banners, flags and wore colours. It was a great show and witness to our diversity, particularly in light of the disappointment and discouragement over the General Synod vote. We now move on with "Generosity of Spirit" towards those who cannot yet accept full participation by LGBTQ2+ persons in all the sacraments of the Church. We thank Bishop Ron for his leadership and confirm our support. Archbishop Ron sent his regrets for not being able to join us this year as he enjoys a well earned rest on an Alaskan Cruise.