iFrom: "Lynn Murphy" Subject: Canadian mystery index Date: March 26, 2008 at 12:04:44 ADT To: I have re-thought and re-worked the whole thing, see attached. Can we make it so any words or terms in blue are searchable and we don't need separate indexes? I have put authors'' names last name first, and characters'' names first names first : will that require a separate author index? I might be able to put authors the other way around if we put the surnames in large type. Although the entries show location and occupation at the bottom of the entry, there is no reason why they should not be in the same index. I hope it is clear that the ones which just have author, title, and detective's name are the ones I haven't got around to annotating yet. Do we need to say that? "Annotation to come"? Sorry to so mislead you when you came around, but the next day I reallized that the whole concept of the index was geared toward print publlication, and made no sense in an online world. I am going to consult the author of a different guide re indexing publishers. My first thought was no, but on the other hand they might take ads if they are named. This took a whack of research : as soon as I found out more about the authors I knew, I stumbled across others I never heard of (like the guy who has written four CSI Miami books - who knew?). Anyway, please give me a call if this needs clearing up - or if (rats!) the first version was better than this one. Thanks!