Calendar of Events
Please check back on this page frequently as we will be updating as we renovate the website.Events as of:
- Services We worship on Sundays at 11 am at 3115 Veith St. Halifax NS.. We are members of the Centers of Progressive Christianity in both Canada and the U.S. . Our Sunday services include opportunities to sing, meditate, pray, reflect, celebrate communion and socialize with a wondrously diverse community.
- Board of Directors Meeting Every second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you want or need an issue placed on the agenda please call the church NLT Monday before the meeting. Contact: 902-453-9249
- Monthly Dinner Social Every third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm Chebucto Inn on Lady Hammond Rd. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this monthly social event.