; All Day : '''Queer Family: An [Art]iculation''' : Art made by and about queer families on display from 2024-03-10 to 2024-04-13.[ More information online]. : Location: Floor 1, Central Library, 5440 Spring Garden Road ---- [[EventIcon:HalifaxGayMensChorus]] ; 3:00 p.m. : '''Milestones - Celebrating 20 years of Nova Voce and 5 years of HGMC''' : Come warm up from the winter cold and join HalifaxGayMensChorus and Nova Voce as they present a joint concert “Milestones – Celebrating 20 years of Nova Voce and 5 years of HGMC”. This ‘Best of’ performance marks the start of exciting new chapters for both choruses, each of which will perform audience favourites from past concerts. The two choirs will join together for a grand finale, including a newly commissioned piece by Nova Voce’s Director Emeritus,Terry Hurrell. : [ Tickets are $30 general admission, $20 for students and underwaged]. Performance one is on March 23 and a second is on [[2024-03-24]]. : Location: StAndrewsUnitedChurch, 6036 Coburg Road ---- ; 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. : '''SqwishHalifax Basketball 🏀''' : Some casual pick-up b-ball. No registration required, just drop in, ready to play! : [ Check out the Facebook group for updates]. : Location: Decathlon Dartmouth, 21 Micmac Blvd. When you enter Decathlon, the Decadium is on the far left of the store, next to the mall entrance. The space gets quite warm, so bring lots of water.
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