
MonthlyCommunityDinner Come and join some senior members of the local LGBT scene for a meal, a chat and a laugh.

The dinners are held at 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month, alternating between Halifax and Dartmouth.

All welcome. Bring a friend or two.

To be notified of the dinners and locations, email to


This Community Dinner originated as a Ministry of Safe Harbour Metropolitan Community Church.

The church community, and the broader community, would meet once a month for dinner at a local restaurant. After the closure of Safe Harbour MCC in May, 2011, the dinners were discontinued, but a few years on, missing the social interaction, a few of us decided to resurrect the monthly dinners. For many, and especially for those of us who are People of the Rainbow, this chapter of life can be challenging and isolating. And so, we meet to eat!