2001-05-09 assault

On May 9, 2001, Rob Crawford was assaulted. Repeat sex offender Thomas William Longaphy, b 1966, was charged.

The two met hours earlier at a Gottingen Street bar. The men agreed that they'd caressed, kissed and had oral sex; both said the sex was consensual. Longaphy that Crawford refused his request for a "little light bondage." Crawford said on the other hand that Longaphy terrorized him, asked him about asphyxiation sex, and later pulled a large knife when he refused. Longaphy said that he himself later he feared for his life. Crawford left Longaphy's apartment at about 3:30am and telephoned police shortly after.

Defence: Peter Mancini; Crown: Paul Carver; Judge: Felix Caccione.

Justice Caccione had ruled that evidence pertaining to the man's sex-offence record was not admissible. Longaphy had four convictons for violent sexual attacks against men and women, and for several other crimes. He had been released from Dorchester Penitentiary four months earlier after serving a 4½ year sentence for a violent sexual assault and assault causing bodily harm in the Hamilton area in 1993. That offence took place less than two months after he was released on parole for crimes committed in Halifax.

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