Where: Wonder’neath, 2482 Maynard Street, North End Kjipuktuk/ Halifax (In-Person).
Come sow some spring seeds with us!
This project aims to cultivate hope through the practice of seed planting during a time that is very dystopian for Disabled 2SLGBTQIAP+ youth. We also hope that through the grounding exercise of planting seeds participants will find a new tool of self regulation and survival. Lastly, this project explores what futures we want to plant for ourselves as Disabled 2SLGBTQIAP+ folks. This event is a closed space for Disabled 2SLGBTQIAP+ youth between the ages of 14 to 25. Self-IDing is more than enough to access this space/ you don’t need a formal diagnosis. This program is also a masks required event.
This program is the second public program of YouthProject’s Accessibility Futurisms project funded by Accessibility Standards Canada. We’ll be having more programs through this grant project, so be sure to keep an eye out.
This event is free, masked, wheelchair accessible, and will have ASL interpretation. There will also be a low sensory room, and air purifiers onsite and Youth Project will be providing snacks and stim toys. Wonder’neath/ @wonderneath has a detailed access guide which you can find via the provided link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZ_kwlMHohsC4yPBzZm6lhvE9rIN2WcF7-RRSDBFYko/edit
QueerCreativesSpace/ @queercreativesspace will also be partnering with the Youth Project/ @nsyouthproject to make this event possible through art materials, tools, and other resources.
If you have any questions about the space or event, you can contact Robin at robin@youthproject.ns.ca✨😷