For many years Deaf people have been overlooked by the hearing majority, constantly struggling to be recognized as equals among hearing peers. Imagine, if you will, Deaf people who are GLBTTTIQ, a small, but significant, group of people within the Queer Community. Now here is a minority within a minority.
Let me give you a little history about Deaf people in the Queer Community. Growing up many of our hearing parents did not know or use sign language. They did not communicate with us in a way that we could learn or understand the world around us. Our understanding of the world was very limited and our exposure to the GLBTTTIQ community was non-existent. We were very frustrated trying to understand why we were attracted to members of the same sex. As a Deaf adult we were welcomed into the Deaf Community, a community of straight people. Here we shared a common language and culture, which made us feel a little more comfortable, however our frustration continued as we tried to understand our true selves. It wasn’t until we discovered the gay clubs such as the Turret and Rumors that we could begin to understand and find others just like us, people who are Deaf and Queer. Here we finally found others that truly share a common bond.
Today we are proud to announce the formation of the Deaf Rainbow Community Association (DRCA). Deaf people within the Queer Community decided to come together offering each other support and friendship. In addition to the camaraderie, we also plan to organize our activities:
We offer an open invitation to all who wish to learn more or join DRCA; you do not have to be Deaf or Queer to participate in the events. Let us show you our Deaf Rainbow Community and maybe even teach you some signs!
The group has an (inactive) blog here.