JimDeYoung photo collection

Beginning in the 1980s, JimDeYoung was notorious for his omnipresent camera. DanielMacKay writes, "When I met Jim in the fall of 1982, he had a Kodak Disk Camera, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, but a little thinner. The camera was always lurking a pocket of his housecoat ready to snap a new visitor, a particularly enticing nude pose, or some salacious act."

There were two shelves of photo albums; the first, anyone could view, but the second was only for the eyes of... people who were candidates to be in it.

After Jim passed away, DanielMacKay contacted his partner, Paul Weston who agreed to have them archived, and Vancouver queer historian Bill Pusztai packed them up and shipped them to him in Halifax.

The albums and pages are numbered as if there's an index for them, but that wasn't shipped with the albums.

Many of the illustrations in the 2019 book, BeforeTheParade were from Jim's collection.