b. January 17, 1951
Larry is a resident of Halifax, Nova Scotia, a person living with HIV, and a knowledge user on several HIV and Rehabilitation research projects, primarily around HIV and aging. More recently he has become involved as a patient advisor on several primary health care focused research projects within Nova Scotia, with an increased emphasis on patient engagement. He has previously worked for over two decades in the non-profit sector, but continues to contribute in a variety of voluntary interests such food security, care-giving and social justice.
He also chaired AIDS NS for a term and the NS Advisory Commission on AIDS for a decade. He also was Secretary and the main custodian of the AIDS Memorial Quilt (Canada) for over a decade until it was passed onto the Canadian AIDS Society.
His personal interests include summer at the lake (cottage or the ocean (the beach), reading, crossword puzzles and family genealogy. Larry lives with his partner CliffLeJeune and their new cat Leo.1