The Nova Scotia LGBT Seniors Archive Project is a multi-year project to develop an archive of the LGBT communities across Nova Scotia. The archive will increase social interaction and community involvement among older populations and create a living legacy through the collaborative development of an open, accessible, province-wide digital archive for use by community members, seniors, older and younger generations of LGBT populations, researchers, students and the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors, among others.
Material donated to the LGBT Seniors Archive is stored at the University Archives in the Killam Memorial Library.
Guidelines for donating to the Archives.
There are some community testimonials about the archives here:
Preview Page:
Staff and community members meet at 4:00pm on the first Tuesday each month for status updates. Please check the LocalEvents page for particulars.
If you have LGBT Community related materials you'd like to contribute to the Archives, or know someone who does, or want to be involved with the project in any way, .
A list of duplicates and spares, for borrowing or projects, is here.
In 2019, Dr JacquieGahagan coordinated a project by the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors & DalhousieUniversity to create an LGBT Archives for Nova Scotia.