
Example Order Of Service: July 23, 2000 Pentecost 6

Ministers: The Whole Congregation Pastor: The Rev. DarleneYoung Liturgical Assistant: Mr. EricRideout? Pianist: Mr. BruceHayre

We Gather to Worship God


Lighting the Candles for Christ and Community Song of Celebration: #115 This Little Light of Mine

Call to Worship and Opening Prayer:

together. Bless us with grace to cooperate with one another in love and service that we may be the signs of your uniting love to our fractured world. Teach us to show compassion for those in need, to face challenges with imagination, and to counter disappointments with prayerful trust. So may your church bring forth your will and your reign. Amen.

Song of Gathering: #114 This is The Day

We Hear God's Word

Scripture Readings:

Ministry of Music

Meditation: Song of Commitment: "We Have This Ministry" - See Insert

We Respond to God

Prayers of the People

Invitation and Reception of Our Tithes and Offerings - Sung Prayer: Thank You God (Tune: Edelweiss)

We Commune Together

Celebration of Holy Communion

HYMNS During Communion: # 17 Breathe On Me Breath of God

Silent Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer Following Communion: Sung chorus: Because You Live * Rise in Body and Spirit - as you are able*

We Go Forth to Live with Christ

The Blessing and Sending Forth *Rise in Body and Spirit - as you are able*

Song for Going Forth: # 70 Lead On O Cloud of Presence

Passing the Peace (Please feel free to shake hands, or offer hugs as you feel comfortable, offering the words: "The Peace of Christ!")


Greetings to all who are worshipping with us this evening. We pray that your experience of worship may nurture your faith and build your spirit. We invite you to join us for refreshments and conversation following the service.

The John C. Maxwell Seminar will be held on Sat. Aug. 26 from 10am - 4pm at the home of GaryBeazley?, 5572 Northridge Rd. Suite 307. You are asked to bring a bag lunch to this event. All are welcome to attend but you are asked to register with the pastor or call the church office at 453-9249

The Worship Committee is called to meet on Wed. July 26 at 7pm at the home of Susan Perkins.

Sunday August 27 Safe Harbour will hold a Congregational Pic Nic and Outdoor Service in the back yard at the Universalist Church. Pic Nic and Games begin at 4pm. The Pic Nic is Pot Luck and you are invited to share main dishes, salads, desserts etc. The Service will start at 7pm all are welcome to attend. Please invite guests to join us

Prayer Corner:

We remember JohnBalser who is in hospital, we pray for all those who are suffering with illness, for those who have lost loved ones, for those who are lonely and depressed, for those coming to terms with their sexual orientation, for the glbt youth of our community, for the blessings of friends and this church family.