Just a sweet country girl trapped in the city. OH N :P
Im a young, independent girl. I started doing drag in 2001. My drag birth came from influences of Dementia(formely Myra Deboink of Saint John),and Sammantha Fox of Moncton. I made my drag debut in Moncton, New Brunswick in the Fall of 2001 as Seleste Starr. However, I am now known as Seleste Saphire. Following my debut night, I returned to Newfoundland where I had been living since May of 2001. I have performed a few times in St.John's but not extensively.
Having returned to Halifax in the summer of 2003, I am poised to make a comeback and enter the Halifax Drag Scene. I look forward to performing again and working to help the community and current and upcoming queens in the Halifax Area. I currently don't hold any titles, but I will soon oh yes ;)
In the past I have performed some RuPaul numbers. You can see me at the bar sometimes.. lol..and around town.
In Halifax, I hope to get out in the community and perform and fund raise my little ass off.
Much Love to all my halifax sistahs *mwah*
MyraDementia? writes: I will never forget the first time I saw you in drag, what a shock! I'm proud to have been an influence and only wish I could have had the opportunity to see you perform.
This page is for one of many for Halifax DragQueens.