"Over the Rainbow"

 with Denise Holliday

CKDU 88.1 FM

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Northern Aids  Connection Society

CKDU 88.1 "Over the Rainbow"

Transgender Diaries





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Denise can provide workshops to suit the needs of your workplace:

Depending on the need or type of workplace event, the workshops can run from 1 to 6 hours

Choose from:

bulletWorkplace consultations
bulletClassroom presentations
bulletConference/Event speaker
bulletConference workshops
bulletWorkshops - half day or full day

Workshops  cover basic introduction to transgender/transsexual issues followed by break and then open discussion on relevant issues regarding your particular workplace and the concerns your staff feel they may face. This is an opportunity for your staff to ask those questions that they may feel they are normally never allowed to ask.

It is an opportunity for your staff to test their comfort levels before running into the real thing.

For more details contact:

Denise Holliday

162, Hwy 336 Upper Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia  B0N 2M0

Tel: (902) 568-2935,  E-mail: denisesined@ns.sympatico.ca

Inquiries welcomed


Last updated: 05/12/08.