

All Day
Queer Family: An [Art]iculation
This display of art made by and about queer families is the result of Dalhousie Social Anthropology Masters thesis research conducted by Matt Cottrell (they/them) in 2023 - 24. All artists are featured based on their self-definition as members of a queer family, a term often used to encompass 2SLGBTQIA+ and polyamorous people.
These artworks are an expression of queer kinships, created and displayed in the hopes that they will communicate to the viewer that queer kinships are vital and loving. There is power in being seen in public; thank you to all who take the time to view and connect with this art.
More information online.
Location: Floor 1, Central Library, 5440 Spring Garden Road


1:00 p.m. to 3:00p.m.
QCS Paper Tent and Stim Toy Making
Once again, QueerCreativesSpace is offering a project during this Sunday’s 1-3pm session at 2482 Maynard St. in conversation with the evictions of unhoused folks in Kjipuktuk (colonial name Halifax). QCS is really disappointed, though not surprised, by Halifax Regional Municipality’s/ @hfxmoments treatment of unhoused folks. This shame is further felt with it still being Winter, being in a recession, and facing a continued housing crisis. It’s clear to us that “cleaning up” the city for the Juno Awards around the corner is a higher priority to HRM than the safety and respect of folks living in encampments. As a response to this, we’re making paper tents to process these feelings and invite you to join.
We’ll also be offering another project for folks that don’t have capacity for the paper tent project. We’ll be making stim toys out of fabric scraps, felt, and various trinkets. Stim toys can be a useful grounding and regulation tool for neurodivergent and other stimming pals. With the climate of the world right now for queer and trans folks, having a physical object that provides comfort through physical textures and sensations can be helpful.
Robin does have an active listening background if folks need a check in. We don’t have the funds to bring on someone specifically to act as an active listener for this session though, so we do encourage folks to try and be mindful of their own capacities while interacting with the projects. There will be a low sensory room, stim toys, neurodivergent friendly snacks, and noise canceling headphones to further assist with this.
This programming is a mask required space, but we can provide them. This programming is also an all ages and drop in friendly event. All the projects are beginner friendly, and both Eli and Robin are happy to assist participants. People are welcome to work on a personal project, so long as it’s not sensory intensive. This programming is intended for queer, trans, and questioning folks. This programming is free, but we will be taking optional donations this Sunday that would go directly to folks getting resources to unhoused people in Kjipuktuk.
Location: Wonder'neath, 2482 Maynard St.

1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m
Dancing with Pride: Partner Dancing 101
For those with little to no dance experience! Join us for an introductory ballroom dancing class in a safe space that celebrates all bodies, abilities and identities. This class will include basic steps and partnering to a mix of music across genres and styles. Dress in a way that supports both your gender and allows you to move freely. No partner required! You may lead or follow in this class - whichever role makes you feel the most comfortable.
Ages 13+ ; Instructor: Cole Richardson.
Cost: No registration required. pay-what-you-can at the door, with all proceeds going to YouthProject.
Location: Lilian Piercey Concert Hall, Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts, 6199 Chebucto Road


3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A World Transformed
Through contemporary dance and live music, “A World Transformed” shares the story of Matthew Shepard, a young man from Laramie, Wyoming who was killed because of his sexuality. Matthew Shepard's death was pivotal to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, sparking global action and change.
“A World Transformed” explores the perspectives of both Matthew and his mother, Judy Shepard, who became one of the leading pioneers in 2SLGBTQIA+ rights.
The show has been choreographed by acclaimed Canadian dance makers William Yong and Laurence Lemieux, and features singers Marcel d'Entremont and Andrea Ludwig, pianists Dakota Scott-Digout and Jeanie Chung, violinist Aaron Schwebel, and dancers Johanna Bergfelt and Zachary Cardwell.
Tickets: Free but registration required.
Location: Paul O'Regan Hall, Floor 1, Central Library, 5440 Spring Garden Road


4:00 p.m to 8:00 pm
Masc: Gay Light Savings Matinee
Masc, short for Masculine, is Night Spa’s special night for Men & Thems. Think of it as a more conventional bathhouse experience. Consent focused social nights filled with flirting, fun and some hardcore play!
Must be a Night Spa member to attend; Click here to apply!
Location: Night Spa, 2199 Gottingen Street, Halifax