ANewFireDownBelow 03

A New Fire Down Below Chapter 3: Tick Tock

Puuuurrr... now theres a fine lookin boi, mmmmm I wants some. I'm back over by the bar and Robbie and Cassandra are doing a really bad rendition of Stormy Weather keeping the S & M ( Stand and Model ) crowd entertained. Some really fine looking specimens are crowded around looking like they need something to do tonite and I am it.

It's 2 am and the clock on the wall says "Giddy Up!" (or you'll be you'll be home alone with the handheld.) The 2 o'clock cruise means I can pick out a yummie on a scale of 10 and up and by 2:30 that number drops to a 5... but theres 30 minutes to go; 3am drops that number down to a " nadda on your life " and we don't wanna go there...... yaaaaap.

Looks Like Kyle and Tim have called it quits cause Kyle is over in the corner sucking face with Chris the coatcheck boi, and Tim is nowhere to be seen. Brian is gone too and the old guy is not in sight either.... hmmmmmm. That must explain that funny smile on his face all the time, he gets away unseen by prying eyes.

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