
Bill Souter

1947 - 1991

Bill was active in the leather community and ran an art framing business called Different Frames Of Mind (registered with the RJSC April 1, 1981 - April 30, 1983.)

About his death:

I wasn't there, but i left the office that morning and went over immediately and went to post op ICU. The veil of silence had already been applied. To the best I recall, he had gone in for a lymph node biopsy and apparently an artery was mistakenly perforated. There was great concern in the O.R. as blood was spurting out, and this was very early in the epidemic when contagion routes were not hewn in stone, and i gather different approaches were voiced. He did not bleed to death there, though; he came down from the OR and lived for several days, although his post op course was far more complicated than would have been one of a normal lymph node biopsy, in that he didn't regain consciousness —- so something very untoward had occurred in the OR, and it will probably never see the light of day.
A lymph node biopsy is a very simple routine procedure. The way Dal works, once he is admitted to hospital, he is not my patient, so I have no authority to read the chart. I do remember writing the surgeon a letter expressing appreciation for his agreeing to do the procedure in the first place, as there were surgeons refusing in some places, but I was concerned that his post op course and death wasn't a usual occurrence even for biopsy with a nicked artery, and that was cause for concern, and wondered if there had been anything published about O.R. mishaps in HIV+ people. I never heard back.1

NSCAD honours Bill with the William Souter Memorial Fund Scholarship: "William “Bill” Souter (1947-1991) was enrolled at NSCAD from 1969 to 1972. During the 1970/1971 academic year, Bill and fellow students were the first to complete the newly developed World Encounter Program at NSCAD. They travelled through Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Burma, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. His family and friends established a memorial fund in Bill’s name to provide a scholarship to enable meritorious students to participate in the Off-Campus/Exchange Program.

NormanMoulton? says: I used to wander Bill's shop for an hour at a time. So much collectables and fun stuff. I still have a piece of art from his shop. What a lovely man.

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One of the GayBusinesses.


1. March 3, 2021 DrBobFredrickson conversation with Dan