

For many years "Doctor Bob" was one of the first GayFriendlyDoctors in Halifax.

Bob says: I retired from practice around 2000, but continued to work with Family Focus and the Med Society with doctors in trouble, till 2010.1

FrankMagazine wrote that Dr. Bob Fredrickson's patients see him more as a friend than as a physician. He'll take that as a compliment The scathingly satirical Frank, a publication not known for being kind to the people it writes about, recently described Halifax family physician Dr. Bob Fredrickson as "the boy wonder of Queen Street who ministers to a large and loyal flock of iconoclastic sickos who universally regard him as a friend rather than a physician." Dr. Fredrickson laughs heartily at the magazine's unusual praise, but admits the comments did concern him. "In a way I felt pretty good about what they said, although I wondered how my patients would react. But I recognize that I do attract a different type of clientele... I operate on a walk-in basis and that's not for everyone. My concept of health goes beyond finding the right combination of pills to keep a b.p. below 140/90 ..."

December 1, 2011
Dr Bob was keynote speaker at the Nova Scotia AIDS Commission. Article about it in the January-February 2012 WayvesMagazine

Tags: NeedsBioCategory - a much better bio, dates for his practice, links to his community activities, and a picture.

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1. February 28, 2022 Pers corr with DanielMacKay