
Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project Needs Help

Dated: February 16, 2009

"We seek to foster change in our communities and our society at large so that people of all sexual orientations are valued and included. We will achieve this through community development, networking, outreach and political action."


We have need of some help, and not be a hindrance to working within our mission and toward achieving our objectives. On the other hand I am not willing to let NSRAP become known as a one-man operation. That would be neither helpful nor healthy for the community.

Unfortunately, I am not sure that we have the commitment and/or support from the community that is needed to get the job done.

What do we need?

At this point we need people! People from all across the province!

People who are wiling and able to share their expertise and give some time to the work of NSRAP. We are not talking about a lot of time, just a few hours a month would help. If you can identify an area of interest and feel that you have the skills that can help in that area, please let me know and I will try to coordinate your activity with others who have a similar interest.

Attached is a list of projects that we are currently working on or would like to consider. Our work does not have to be limited to that list. Any issue that is important to the community can be addressed as long as we have the people power to deal with it.

What can you do?

  1. Consider what you are able to do (skill set/interest/time).
  2. If you are willing to get involved please contact me and let me know what you like to work on and I will attempt to coordinate people with similar interests.
  3. Attend an organizational meeting (even if you are not able to get more involved).

Things To Be Done

Work with the police and the community to make sure our people are protected by the police and not intimidated by them.

UPDATE by Ian Crowe

I attended the organizational meeting on November 17, 2001 in Truro. A dozen so people contributed to a lively discussion.

While there were numerous items to discuss, I came away from the meeting with a feeling that the most important issue was the need for NSRAP in the first instance.

I volunteered to be the press liaision for NSRAP. If I am going to spend some of my most valuable resource(time) on performing a task for which I have not a lot of professional qualification, I need to know what, if any, issues are important to our community. Please sound off in the discussions forum or write me directly at buckleycrowe@hfx.eastlink.ca

It would also be useful if there is someone out there with media experience who could offer me some advice.

Hoping to hear lots of opinions.

Is there a need for NSRAP? See: DoWeNeedNsrap for discussion.
