Ron & Bryan
Born November 28, 1962, Ron moved to Halifax in March, 1984 from Saint John, New Brunswick to be with his partner BryanGarnettDoucette (also from Saint John, N.B.). Ron and Bryan met through the BillettingService that was in place at the time.
In 1994 (in celebraton of their 10th year), they legally changed their last names to Garnett-Doucette.
Ron was an early member of GaeGala and GayLine and a Resource Person for PFLAG from 1994 - 2008.
Ron & Bryan were one of the three couples who challenged the province for recognition of same-gender marriage. On September 24, 2004, Justice Heather Robison issued an Order giving same-gender couples in Nova Scotia the right to marry.
On a sunny Saturday afternoon, June 4, 2005, they were legally married.
Bryan & Ron
Ron is an avid Piper (Great Highland Bagpipes) and has been playing this noble and ancient instrument for many years and, has piped the Halifax Pride Parade.
Ron & Bryan
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