
The Three Helens

picPam Mason, Joanne Bond, and Katheryn Burke performing at Pam Leeming's memorial service, 2022-08-28.

The Three Helens are a musical trio, who first started playing together in 1990 in the band Earthwitch (SusanArenburg? on lead guitar, KathrynBurke? on rhythm guitar & back up vocals, PamMason? on bass, SusanHelpard? on drums and JoanneBond?, lead vocals.) Earthwitch was a rock and blues band who played for many women-serving organizations and performed for their fundraising events, as well as social events.

Eventually Earthwitch disbanded and Kathryn, Pam and Joanne formed the trio The Three Helens in the late 90’s and continue to perform to this day. Over the years we have had other musicians join us for varying lengths of time and include: Jill Corbin on drums, Fayette Taylor on keyboards and Laura Huffacker on saxophone and clarinet.

These feisty feminists perform songs with humour and harmony to reflect the strength and power of women. They have performed for many events such as non-profit fundraisers, TakeBackTheNight marches, and International Women'd Day events to name a few. When these women send their musical energy to the audience, it comes back three fold, magic.1

The Three Helens performed at PamLeeming's memorial service, August 28, 2022. There is some video here.

The Three Helens were formed out of the band Earthwitch, started in the early 1990s.

Main text by JoanneBond?, written on January 20, 2023


1. TheVaginaMonologues probably 2001 programme