<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> . . .
1K - last updated 2022-10-26 09:06 by DanielMacKay
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> : '''Temporary FirstFridayFae change for February 3''': Location . . .
1K - last updated 2023-02-02 09:38 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> [[EventIcon:DalOUT]] ; 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. : '''Haliqueer Formal . . .
2K - last updated 2023-02-07 10:05 by KirkF
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/tmp/dragqueen.jpg ; Noon to 2 p.m. : '''Beyonce Drag Brunch''' at Good Robot, . . . Tickets are $13.78]. [[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 5 to 7 p.m. : FirstFridayFae '''Gay . . . or to be added to the mailing list, see: FirstFridayFae. ; 7 p.m. : '''QUEERS HELP QUEERS - . . .
3K - last updated 2023-04-06 17:58 by KirkF
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 5 to 7 p.m. : '''FirstFridayFae Gay Mens' Happy Hour''' : '''Location:''' . . . or to be added to the mailing list, see: FirstFridayFae. [[EventIcon:IndulgeNightclub]] ; 8:30 . . .
2K - last updated 2023-05-04 11:45 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> [[EventIcon:GlitterBeanCafe]] ; 5 to 8 p.m. : '''Craftapalooza''' . . .
3K - last updated 2023-05-30 19:16 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/tmp/dragqueen.jpg ; 7:30 p.m. : '''Gender . . .
2K - last updated 2023-06-12 15:21 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> . . .
1K - last updated 2023-04-30 10:18 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> . . .
1K - last updated 2023-04-30 10:19 by KirkF
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> ---- [[EventIcon:BusStopTheatre]] ; 8:30 p.m. : '''Heathers: . . .
1K - last updated 2023-10-06 16:49 by KirkF
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/tmp/film.jpg ; Noon : '''Dear Fredy''' : In partnership with the Atlantic . . . at Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Road ---- <include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> . . .
2K - last updated 2023-10-19 19:05 by KirkF
[[EventIcon:AIDSCoalition]] ; all day : '''World AIDS Day - Red Scarf Project-Halifax''' : Dec. 1st is . . . https://acns.ns.ca/item/117-red-scarf <include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> [[EventIcon:UndergroundLoveAffair]] . . .
2K - last updated 2023-11-30 09:53 by DanielMacKay
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> . . .
1K - last updated 2023-04-30 10:19 by KirkF
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. : '''Gay Men's Happy Hour''' : A monthly event . . .
1K - last updated 2024-01-31 11:52 by KirkF
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. : '''Gay Men's Happy Hour - Pride Edition''' : . . . and share a few drinks and laughs. Learn more at FirstFridayFae. Happy Hour's been extended an extra . . .
2K - last updated 2024-07-02 12:48 by KirkF
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. : '''FFF: Gay Men's Social''' : A monthly event . . . Sign up for the mailing list and learn more at FirstFridayFae. : Location: RumoursHFX, 1668 Lower . . .
1K - last updated 2024-07-30 20:33 by DanielMacKay
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. : '''FFF: Gay Men's Social''' : A monthly event . . . Sign up for the mailing list and learn more at FirstFridayFae. : Location: RumoursHFX, 1668 Lower . . .
1K - last updated 2024-09-06 13:15 by KirkF
; 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. : '''Queer Redemption''' : For far too long, the lives of queer people and the . . . Lodge, 630 Francklyn Street ---- [[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. : '''FFF: . . . Sign up for the mailing list and learn more at FirstFridayFae. : Location: RumoursHFX, 1668 Lower . . .
3K - last updated 2024-10-02 13:59 by Meako
<include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> ---- [[EventIcon:NightSpa]] ; 10:00 pm to 3:00 am : '''Flat Fee . . .
1K - last updated 2024-10-30 14:35 by Meako
[[EventIcon:Page1Theatre]] ; Noon to 2:00 p.m. : '''Unwrapped Potluck & Craft Workshop''' : Join us from . . . 2203 Gottingen Street ---- <include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> ---- [[EventIcon:HalifaxQueerEnsemble]] . . .
3K - last updated 2024-12-17 14:13 by KirkF
=First Friday Fae (FFF)= [[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] Social for gay men, held at The Local, 2037 Göttingen . . .
1K - last updated 2024-07-04 12:10 by DanielMacKay
FirstFridayFae announcement
[[EventIcon:FirstFridayFae]] ; 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Monthly on first Friday : '''FFF: Gay Men's Social''' . . . Sign up for the mailing list and learn more at FirstFridayFae. : Location: RumoursHFX, 1668 Lower . . .
1K - last updated 2024-07-30 20:33 by DanielMacKay
#REDIRECT [[FirstFridayFae]] . . .
1K - last updated 2022-10-26 09:18 by DanielMacKay
Regular Events
The Queer Week Starts On ''Friday'' ===Fridays=== <include "FirstFridayFae_announcement"> ---- [[EventIcon:QueerClimbs]] . . .
12K - last updated 2025-03-28 12:19 by KirkF
24 pages found.