Join us for a special general meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Aug. 15 (Zoom) to discuss the purpose of RRANS!
RSVP to for the Zoom link.
6:30 p.m. Monthly: third Tuesday of the month
LGBT Monthly Community Dinner
Join some senior members of the local LGBT scene for a meal, a chat, and a laugh. Bring a friend or two. Community Dinners alternate each month between Halifax and Dartmouth on the third Tuesday of each month.
Workshop: Kink as Trauma Work: Building New Pathways into Our Bodies
We often hear how trauma and kink are interrelated. That for a lot of us, our current place of play is somehow connected to a past place of pain. How do we become more aware of that connection? And is there a way for us to be more intentional with our play and its massaging of our trauma?