

RainbowRefugeesNS Annual General Meeting
Join us for a special general meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Aug. 15 (Zoom) to discuss the purpose of RRANS!
RSVP to rransprojectcoordinator@gmail.com for the Zoom link.


6:30 p.m. Monthly: third Tuesday of the month
LGBT Monthly Community Dinner
Join some senior members of the local LGBT scene for a meal, a chat, and a laugh. Bring a friend or two. Community Dinners alternate each month between Halifax and Dartmouth on the third Tuesday of each month.
For more information and to be added to the mailing list, see MonthlyCommunityDinner


Workshop: Kink as Trauma Work: Building New Pathways into Our Bodies
We often hear how trauma and kink are interrelated. That for a lot of us, our current place of play is somehow connected to a past place of pain. How do we become more aware of that connection? And is there a way for us to be more intentional with our play and its massaging of our trauma?
More info + registration here
at VenusEnvy, from $5.00