A gifted musician and performer, MacIsaac has been playing in clubs since the age of 13.
In his late teens, MacIsaac hung out and performed with professional wacko Alan Ginsburg and musician Philip Glass, was openly gay and yet a big hit with the ultraconservative hometown crowd in rural Nova Scotia and at performances all over the world.
In Nova Scotia it's a game of the under-30 set to compare who has slept with him or one of his boyfriends.
Needless to say, between the queer stuff and the general antics, he was also a media darling.
Here's an Advocate article about him.
In '98 he also flipped his kilt to show his cock on Conan O'Brien. Although he claims that all of these things are part of some larger piece of life performance art, he doesn't come across as intelligent, literate (about performance art) or intentional enough for that to be credible.
Anyway, in the middle of the sabotage of his career with wrecked performances (instead of fiddling which is what people paid to see, he would do a kind of drunken performance art involving foul language and insulting the audience) he was interviewed by the local scandal sheet and at the end of it they got into his personal life which had been talked about a lot.
FrankMagazine: "Ashley, is it true that you like to urinate on your 15-year-old lover for sexual kicks?" ASHLEY: "That's absolutely untrue, an invention of the media. [beat] I prefer him to piss on me."
Here's another interview with a queer rag: http://www.gayguidetoronto.com/1_shaun/may_2003_2.html
And his official webpage is here: http://ashley-macisaac.com/
With Andrew Stokes, 17 February, 2007 (c) CP
Ashley is one of those guys who isn't afraid to speak his mind and he deserve credit for that. It would be nice if more people thought like him instead of curling up in a ball whenever something they do is deemed politically or socially incorrect. Fuck society and the goody-goodies who like to run the show - just be yourself.
And his book is very interesting!
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
(Calgary, Alberta) AshleyMacIsaac, the outspoken, frequently controversial fiddler from Canada's east coast, says he wants to get married in Alberta to protest the Conservative government's opposition to gay marriage. There are, however, a few holes in MacIsaac's plan to tie the knot at the Banff Springs Hotel - mainly the absence of anybody to share his nuptials.
"I'm not entirely sure who it's going to be," MacIsaac said in an interview. "Maybe a boy from Alberta.
"I asked someone to marry me this week, but it was a little too soon for him.
"I plan on having the largest gay wedding that Canada's ever seen," he said. "And I'm trying to get a TV company to produce Who Wants To Marry Ashley MacIsaac as a reality show."
MacIsaac said he would invite Alberta's premier, whomever that might be after next Monday's election.
"If it's Ralph Klein, he probably won't show up ... I'd love to have him make a toast," he said.
Klein, the Conservative premier of Alberta vowed never to accept gay marriage in the Prairie province.
The Supreme Court has been asked to review draft legislation from the federal government that would make same-sex marriages legal across Canada. Alberta was the only province to argue against same-sex marriage in that reference.
Same-sex marriage is already legal in 6 of Canada's 10 provinces and in one of its three territories.
MacIsaac said he is speaking out about Alberta's position on gay marriage because Alberta artists haven't.
"If Jann Arden doesn't stand up and scream her head off as a rich Alberta artist, then me, as a lowly Cape Bretoner, I have to open my mouth," he said. "People should be screaming against this premier and his obviously anti-homosexual views."
The December 8, 2005 Halifax Daily News will have an Ashley article in it - he's shirtless in the pic announcing the story in the 07/05 issue so Ashley fans will want to get Thursdays paper! He's hit the gym and looks hotter now.
but he's still an asshole!
Your either jealous that he's made something of himself or you are one of those boring Nova Scotians who get upset everytime someone dares to speak their mind.
I am neither of those things thank you very much. However, speaking one's mind and being an asshole are two different things, you've obviously never been in an area where Ash has been acting the asshole. It's usually where there isn't bunches of people watching his every move, but more like the waitress in a small diner who has to put up with his antics and assinine behaviour.
BillElliott write: Hi Ashley, How are you today ? I want to say I enjoy listening to your music. About speaking your mind. It takes guts to do so. Im a quiet guy but at times I tend to open up when things matter. From my experiences in life I have heard a lot of don'ts. Don't do this or that. And yet I speak as I do have a voice. Sometimes if you don't speak up nothing gets done. So go a head Ashley let your voice be known. Well , take care and keep playing your music. Bye for now, Bill
HI this is Ashley Mac Isaac writing in.
I find it amusing that soemone would say I am the type to be mean to a waitress. Actually, I, for many years have been the type to give a fifty dollar tip to people when I could afford it, and other times will simply sit and listen to people's problems when I haven't had the money to be so kind. However I do almost everyday stop to give people smokes on the street, bring them to diners for food -- I'm talking homeless people here -- and have even when people didn't like to go into somewhere to eat go buy bread and sliced meat and make sandwiches for people right on the street where thety sit. People who think they know me from my performances tend to forget the fact that I get paid to be a performer and that I chose what type of performance it is going to be most often -- and out of the over 3000 shows I have done in the last twelve years, I have no more than 6 or 7 times done anything they could be construed as rude behoavior -- of which it is my perogative to chose to do if I feel I have a point to make. Simply: people that are always typing negative things about me really don't know that I will on any given day by most I know be considered more down to earth and more knowledgable about how to give people the time of day and good time and be even more sincere than some other nameless pretenders who call themselves fiddling stars from Cape Breton.
Until you guys decide to consider your rants about me being a bad guy are not merited, you can be assured of one thing- I can take the heat -- but can you?
BaraCuda Writes: Hey Ashley you can marry me for shits n giggles! Fellow caper here always been fan, especially in your clean cut years.. a hottie for sure! Hit me up sometime to chat! Don't let the negativity people spew get to you, mostly jealsous people with nothing better to do than to put another down. Keep making music, keep entertaining.. and most of all keep being yourself!
Ashley I'm in the States, and first heard of you from the show, First Comes Love, and you kicked ass on the fiddle. I recently heard about your (long ago) appearance on Conan O'Brien, where you showed the audience what guy really wear under your kilt. I love hot guys in kilts with nothing else. Anyway I can see that show, or showing a pic of you in a kilt...with nothing on under it? Thanks!
-- htlfa March 20, 2006 01:15