October 1977. Photo by RobinMetcalfe
Straight from the horse's mouth: Brought up mainly in Halifax, went to LeMarchant, St. Andrew's, Cornwallis Jr. High, QEHS, with a short stint in Barrington Consolidated High School. Graduated QEH in June, 1969.
"Came out" October, 1977 during first AtlanticConference hosted by GaeGala at The Turret. That was the time of the first ever Gay March which started at Victoria Park and ended at Province House. I carried a sign "Gay Rights Now!" and chanted "Out of the closets and into the streets" and we sang a version of the 12 days of Christmas with a line "A cure for Homophobia" as one of the gifts.
My brother saw me on the 5 o'clock news and that, as they say, was that. There was no going back.
Regarding the Turret, I was hired to do renovations there. BobErtel was bar manager and he recommended me. I retiled the women's washroom floor on the top floor, and raised the railing at the top landing after a drunk dyke (nearly?) fell over it. I remember at the time the hot colours were pink and grey. My favourite songs on the Juke Box was "Baker Street" and "You Don't Bring Me Flowers". It was a lot of fun listening to the various staffers arguing about what I should be doing. After they left, Robert E. and I would do as we thought best. I'm sure there were a few "twisted tits" when the girls came back the next day!
I wonder if we could get a copy of that version of the 12 days on here... I'll also refrain from asking about any horse-like similarities of other attributes. :-)