
His Most Imperial Sovereign Grace Imperial Grand Duke to Reign VI.

Cousin Cleatus is a raunchy, hormonally driven piece of trailer trash new to the Halifax Drag King scene. Performs on a semi-regular basis and always has a totally politically incorrect, thought provoking performance. He is AmandaBenzova's favourite these days...

AmandaBenzova writes: Damn you SOOOOO sexy... I just LOVE a burl man, makes me damp just to think of.. oh sorry i forgot im a .. "lady" I just couldnt say such things! MOST comical @ Medium Pace by Adam Sandler, it kills me everytime you do it! MMMMMMmmm whatta man whatta man ! rar !

NatasshaNlott writes: I see you are driving that car at a medium pace... Loves it. I want those gluey hairy legs all over me too. LOL.

CousinCletus writes: Oh ya, N...I know you and you definately would know about gluey, hairy legs. I'll tell you what, time I'll just wrap my hairy legs around your neck and we can talk about the anything that may pop a medium pace (or a quick pace, cuz I'm only good for one go'round)

NatasshaNlott writes: They call that thiiiiing vagina...

mrs stewart: oh my gawd i loves this man. he makes me feel like a real woman should.. a dirty dirty whore.. he can use his bingo dober on my card anytime.

DivadDivine writes: Cousin Cletus is hilarious, even though he passed me over one night for Mrs. Stewart! :`( But I love him just the same most hilarious numbers and well a blast to be around I don't think I haven't spent a good time laughing at Cletus at a show!! Now Cletus you call me sweetie I'll shove that shampoo bottle up your anus! lmao