April 25th 2004 taken at ClubNrg
[ Moved to Ontario ] 1st Runner Up for DragQueenSurvivor 2004
DivadDivine writes: My name's Diva D!Divine I made my first appearence in Halifax On October 8, 2003. I am one of Canada's Best Divine Impersonators. I give every performance my absolute all. And love trying out new numbers especially ones that have attitude! I am the first to admit I am a bitch, I speak my mind regardless of what others think of my opinion!! If I like you as a person and/or performer you'll know it cause I will tell you. If I don't like you as a person or performer trust me you'll know it! I seldom bother wasting my time talking to people I don't like regardless of what title they hold in this city or any other. There are only a few Queens in Halifax I detest, and they know who they are! Something else people should be aware of, never piss me off royally...payback is a bitch and its name is DIVA! And I will wait til you least expect anything to happen and get payback! I'm a cunt always remember that!
My Full Name: Diva D! Divine Widescreeen De'Vil Fruit Black deCliff Valsheau Fatale Mann Leagues N! Mayhem Roids IMAX Estacao Soul Fufu Lott Starr-DeKnight
My Signature Numbers Are as follows:
July 6th, 2005 at ClubNrg
I am extremely proud of "Diva" cause I was the first to do it in Halifax...although lately I hear its been done by a few others who from what I have heard never really captured the attitude the song is meant to have! I was still the first and as I have proven the last few times I have performed it at ClubNrg I have raised the bar once again with respect to this song! So any of you skinny cunts want to try and top me on my performance of that song go ahead and try you'll fail every time! I am also the first queen to perform "DIVA" at Evolutions Cabaret!! I also was the first drag queen to do Thea Austin's "You're The Worst Thing For Me"
I impersonate a few people, Divine is the first and foremost, followed by Martha Wash, Kimberly Locke, Donna Summers, and Simone Denny. If the singer is a plus sized girl I will do her stuff, or if she has a strong voice that has lots of attitude then I will do her songs.
June 8, 2005 - Was given the last name "Fruit" by the reigning Mz. Cape Breton JuicyFruit...and bestowed my lasts names of Divine and Widescreeen on her.
September 1, 2005 - Was given the last name Soul by the lovely and very talented newcomer Mystique Soul. Thanks so much sweetie I am honoured to have your last name, and that you took mine!
September 4, 2005 - Was given the last name Black by the wonderful Shayda Black Empress III of Halifax and all of Nova Scotia! Shayda has been a true friend to me before I stepped out onto that stage in this city. And she is the first person to tell me if she didn't like what I had to say. I respect her a great deal and am truly honoured to been given her last name!
JuicyFruit writes: Darlin, not many girls go out there not giving a fuck, but that you do. Thanks for the last names, it was very much an honour. *MUAH*
JuicyFruit writes: "hey you guys, are you blending over there?....slap, slap" LOL
DivadDivine writes: roflmao
JuicyFruit writes: girl you know even if you slapped me back I would still be laughing my ass off just at the fact of the blenda tradition. :D
DivadDivine writes: I was given the pleasure of accepting a name by a dear friend of mine from Toronto. My good friend Zazingha Estacao ( a real women I went to college with) saw a video clip of me performing and after seeing all my last names asked if I would take on her last name. Its not a fancy one but I love it just the same!! Thanks Zazingha and I will do you proud I know - you are just as big a bitch as I am! hehe OH hi there Natassha N! I think I need that table of contents now gurlie ;) hehehe
JuicyFruit writes: you need to tell that girl her name is amazing. I love it to death. Just trying to say it makes me laugh :D
JuicyFruit writes: omg, I so forgot to tell you girl...get that wonderful girls of yours from TO to come down and check out a show, I think she would be hooting and hollaring with the rest of your fans as you jumps of that stage.
December 19th 2005: received a lovely honour...the last name of Fufu thanks Missy I'm gonna miss ya gurl
RougeFatale: have you moved out yet? lol. no really? have you? ok im joking . love yellin at you over the counter at the horn babe. you better come visit..
DivadDivine replies: FUNNY!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!
JuicyFruit: well girl, I am hoping the new apt is going well. You know sometime soon I am coming to visit
DivadDivine replies: Juicy you are welcome anytime gurl! lol RougeFatale writes: no seriously... did you move yet? ha ha ha miss you.. alot...
JuicyFruit: I will be over soon enough. Ugh, one song gonna be in my head forever after this week. :P
DivadDivine wrties: I am a hateful rottin bitch roflmao...I LOVES IT
This page is for one of many for Halifax DragQueens.