pic DalOUT, the LGBTQ Society of Dalhousie University is a social, educational, support and action group for LGBTQ university students and, in general, any resident of the Halifax Regional Municipality. The group, although centered at Dalhousie University, is welcoming to everyone.

We hold events ranging from BBQs, movies, socials, and bake sales to discussions, theme parties and guest lectures. We also hold office hours every weekday for people who have questions or would just like to come and talk. We are located in room 321 in the Dalhousie University Student Union Building, and the hours are posted on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/dalout

For more information and for contact information, please see our website (above). We update this regularly with news and events.

OwenRoss? writes, Check out DalOUT Truro! It’s a queer student group I founded back in 2013 that is still active and always looking for students to get involved at the AC.1

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.dalout.ca



President - SarahConnolly?, Executive VP - MarcHumber?, VP Information - EvanBarkhouse?, VP Internal - MaxMaxwell?, VP Public Relations - ErinBeals?, VP Finance - DaveMacDonald?, Radical Discussion Coordinator - SimonThibault
President - SarahConnolly?, Executive VP - AlexHu?, VP Finance - DennisJoudrey?, VP Information: TinaHunt?, VP Public Relations - TimothyBergman?, VP Fundraising - MarcHumber?, DSU Representative - JaredGallinger?, Executive Assistant - JamesHealy?, Radical Discussion Coordinator - FareedKanji?
President - TinaHunt?, Treasurer - LucasThorneHumphrey?, Secretary - PeterWalker?, Public Relations Manager - ErinBeals?, DSU Representative - TinaHunt?/SarahConnolly?, Past Executive Advisor: SarahConnolly?
President - LucasThorneHumphrey?, Vice President - PeterWalker?, Treasurer - JenniferMacDonald?, Secretary/DSU Representative - LisaBuchanan?, Public Relations Manager - ChrisBoyle?, Past Executive Advisor - TinaHunt?, Executive Assistant - JamieBlasina?
President - LucasThorneHumphrey?, Vice-President & DSU Representative - LisaBuchanan?, Treasurer - CraigJoyce? (later GerritVolkmann? and ElizabethBugbee?), Secretary - PeterWalker?, Executive Assistant - GerritVolkmann?, Executive Advisor - JenniferMacDonald?, Public Relations Managers - LindyLaton? & BrideLeahey?
September, 2008
President & DSU Representative - LisaBuchanan?, Vice-President - LucasThorneHumphrey?, Treasurer - JustinLeBlanc?, Secretary - Elizabeth Bugbee, Executive Advisor - JenniferMacDonald?, Public Relations Manager - Jasmine Kakuk, Office Assistant - CassieLattaJohnson?
October, 2009
President: Justin LeBlanc? Vice-President: Megan Treasurer: Patrick Hawkes Secretary: Elizabeth Bugbee
November, 2010
President - Justin LeBlanc?, vice president- Megan Secretary - PreetBhogal?, Treasurer - AndrewPowers?, Office Manager - KimberlyVardon?, Fundraising Manager - BrendanOShea?, Executive Assistant - Katie Brown, DSU Representative - GlennBlake?.
December, 2011
President - Kimberly Vardon, Vice President - K Sellinger, Secretary - Brittany Long, Treasurer - Rizzo, Office Manager - Catherine Muir, Fundraising Manager - Gillian Tobin-Huxley, Executive Advisor - Justin LeBlanc?, Public Relations Manager - Justin Dubreuil.
March 18, 2016
MasQUEERade? 2016 "Masqueerade is an annual dance party that brings together LGBTQ+ societies and community members from universities in HRM and across NS so that we can celebrate the incredible work that we've all accomplished during the past school year." at the BusStopTheatre.

This is one of many StudentGroups.


1. June 15, 2020 posting in FB group, "Homes For Queers Halifax"