Tags: NeedsBioCategory. But in the meantime, use the backlink - at the top of the page - to find pages . . .
1K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:46 by DanielMacKay
BeforeTheParade index
This is an index of [[BeforeTheParade|Before The Parade]], RebeccaRose's book about activism and the . . . H•R•E]] || ||[[ArthurCarter|Carter, Arthur]] ||145, [[ . . .
31K - last updated 2024-10-30 09:37 by DanielMacKay
GayHealthAssociation GraemeEllis The first AIDS organization in Halifax. . . . Lawyer DarrellMartin, and graphic designer ArthurCarter joined talents and formed the Gay Health . . .
3K - last updated 2020-07-26 17:55 by DanielMacKay
HistoryPeople Here is a list of early activists in Halifax - seriously . . . * StephenCalnen: GaeGala founding board * ArthurCarter: Designed the [[Rumours]] logo * SharonChaisson . . .
7K - last updated 2024-12-08 21:56 by lynn murphy
==Reflections In A Mirror Ball == . . . A small group of us: Dr Bob, JohnHurlbert, ArthurCarter, DarrellMartin, and I banded together . . . Design by ArthurCarter The Chair of GAE, Arthur Sniders approached . . . board approved and cut a cheque. Graphic artist ArthurCarter generated the artwork to the specs required . . . Poster by ArthurCarter My idea for “Hallowe’en ’87” was to have . . .
47K - last updated 2024-10-29 08:48 by DanielMacKay
=Rumours Club= 1993. Photo scanned from Queer Looking, . . . the why part.}} The Rumours logo was designed by ArthurCarter. Rumours was the biggest dance floor in . . . Rumours Club Mug. Logo by ArthurCarter. On 1985-09-22, Michel Tremblay's play . . .
11K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
6 pages found.