1977 AtlanticConference Catering Team
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/AtlanticConference/1977-10_catering_team.jpg ---- The 1977-10 [[AtlanticConference|Atlantic . . . [[TommyMiller|"Madam Sugar" Tommy Miller]], [[MissKitty|Keith "Miss Kitty" Dobson]], [[ClydeRichardson|Clyde . . .
2K - last updated 2020-05-07 22:19 by DanielMacKay
2023-04-16 Turret Storytelling
=2023-04-16 Turret Storytelling= On 2023-04-16, at the regular ElderBerries Second Sunday Salon (except, . . . of Truxx. * 0:43:14.2 WayneCollette: Meeting MissKitty. * 0:44:39.3 The timeline that’s up in the . . .
4K - last updated 2023-04-23 16:19 by DanielMacKay
BeforeTheParade index
This is an index of [[BeforeTheParade|Before The Parade]], RebeccaRose's book about activism and the . . . 41-43, 46, 48 || ||Dingle, Pat ||126 || ||[[MissKitty|Dobson, Keith "Kitty"]] ||100, [[http://gay.hfxns.org?search=MissKitty . . .
31K - last updated 2024-10-30 09:37 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/tmp/dragqueen.jpg Halifax has a long history of drag entertainment, beginning . . . [[G]] MissIris [[G]] MissKelly [[G]] MissKittyRomanoffdeCliff [[G]] MistyMeadows [[G]] MissVicki . . .
17K - last updated 2025-03-23 23:57 by vanitystation
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GaryTurner/IM000325.JPG Boat Cruise, Pride Day 2004 His Imperial Sovereign . . . Emperor V for IsCans Manager of ClubNrg, aka MissKittyRomanoffdeCliff or PoundaPurple. Gary returned . . .
1K - last updated 2020-05-13 18:59 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/MissKitty/1978_ca.jpg Late '70s KeithDobson{{ScottMacNeil, ReflectionsInAMirrorBall}}{{RobinMetcalfe, . . . on their toes. https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/MissKitty/2012.jpg 2012 . . .
1K - last updated 2023-04-23 14:38 by DanielMacKay
Manages ClubNrg, aka GaryTurner Also Known as: Pounda Purple, Low-Dza Lavender, Sally Specter from Bold . . .
2K - last updated 2024-01-23 20:27 by KirkF
#REDIRECT [[MissKittyRomanoffdeCliff]] . . .
1K - last updated 2009-02-11 02:01 by kirk.yhz
==Reflections In A Mirror Ball == https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/ReflectionsInAMirrorBall/cover_composite.png . . . that hot summer. Every weekend that we opened, MissKitty would appear with his entourage and his ingénue . . .
47K - last updated 2024-10-29 08:48 by DanielMacKay
One of the GayBars in Halifax, which opened 1971-01-29 {{TheVoice, September 1977}}. "Admission for the . . . Take 30. It is in the CBC or NFB archives. MissKitty, myself in an afro wig, Miss Marr, one of . . .
6K - last updated 2022-02-13 21:34 by DanielMacKay
10 pages found.