Circa 1981. Photo by RandyMoore
October 9, 1949 - January 30, 19911
Paul Arthur Coulstring
Died in Halifax, January 30, 1991, from complications from AIDS.
Randy Moore writes:
He was cremated but never interred to my knowledge. The ashes were given to his partner, Ron Allain, and I never knew what happened to them.
Paul's mother died when he was 6 years old. His father eventually remarried, but it wasn't a good match for the kids. First his sister Sandra, followed by Paul, moved in with their Uncle Robie and his wife, Edith. Robie was the youngest sibling of Paul's mother. They each stayed there for several years, and Paul was there into his university years.
Paul frequented a gay bar in the Green Lantern building, and TheHeidelberg Restaurant, which was known to have a gay following, usually after the other bars closed. He also used to mention about going to the Cameo Restaurant which was also known to have a gay following.
Paul used to host the most wonderful parties, including his famous Pot-Luck dinners.2
Circle of friends: Ron Roach (his bestie!), Dr Greg Roy, DrBruceElliott , Rick Hartnett, GraemeEllis and BobMcKay, Patricia Gates.
I loved him dearly. He lived with us when I was little and I looked up to him more like a brother than a cousin. We lost touch for many years until I ended up doing practice teaching at his school and we reconnected as I was coming out. He was very much my fairy Godmother! LOL barely a day goes by that I don't think of him. He was certainly one of a kind! But I know for a fact that he died with no regrets. He was always the belle of the ball!
StephenKimber? writes in the August 30, 2007 TheCoast, Does high school matter?3: