
This page is for documenting coverage of this wiki in other media.

February, 2005
TheCoast Feb 17-Feb 24 2005 issue mentions the encyclopedia: Halifax website is keeping tabs on the SuperCity?’s gay bars...
August, 2005
Windsor (Ontario) Star reporter Sharon Hill does a story on KeithFudge using material from, and mentioning, the Halifax wiki.
September, 2007
VOL 13 NUM 14 SEP 1 - SEP 8 2005 of TheCoast quotes KeithFudge
June, 2006
Encyclopedia is used for a piece about the history of sexual health in Halifax, to celebrate the renaming of PlannedParenthood to the SexualHealthCentre
July, 2006
article announcing new design by DanielMacKay in WayvesMagazine
October 7, 2006
Chronicle Herald page B3. Peter Duffy's interview with DanielMacKay partly about the encyclopedia.
November 19, 2006
CBC Radio's series by Alex Mason, "Talk Of The Block" uses research from here for a piece on public cruising on CitadelHill and SpectacleLake.
November 20, 2006
Dan and Reg and a few others do interview with Ralph Higgins for Outlooks magazine
January, 2007
Whole page article by RalphHiggins? in January Outlooks Magazine, page 30: -- you will need Acrobat Reader to read the file and is available for free at
April 29, 2010
Mentioned on the "Front" page of the online Chronicle Herald, Simon and Garfunkel, Peas and gays make for a full July 24 in Halifax
July 21, 2011
Local historians document Halifax's queer history in Xtra!
February 10, 2025
A lovely thank-you for a biography.

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