2019-07-22 Elderberries Salon

pic The July 22, 2019 was the second Salon to be hosted by the ElderBerries.

This page contains a link to the audio of the 4-hour event, and a rough subject index so you can skip to that part of the discussion.

The (Queer) Salon, epitomized by Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas in 1920s Paris, provided a safe haven for queer people to meet and more, to hear stories, entertain each other, and indulge in queer culture in a day when such love dare not speak its name. This event is part historical recreation, harkening to the Paris of the 20s, so integral in shaping the queer culture we know today.

Over a four hour period, broken into 1-hour sessions, participants dropped in for refreshments and the telling of Halifax's rich queer history. They met some warriors who worked hard to make Halifax a Pride-ful place, and did "Ask Us Anything" about what it was like, what it felt like, how we lived and loved and worked to change the world.

Over the course of the afternoon, about fifty people of all ages sat back and listened to the old-timers tell stories about the good, and bad, old days.

The event was generously sponsored by Halifax Pride. Thank you Halifax Pride!

Speakers: LorneIzzard, DrBobFredrickson, JaneKansas, RamonaWestgate?, ChrisFrazer?, [[nuri?]] and CarolynGesner. PaulineFedrick? was moderator.

Audio Recording Subject Index

(link to audio recording is below.)

Self introductions: DrBobFredrickson, RamonaWestgate?, LorneIzzard, ChrisFrazer? . Currently working on the history of Drag in Halifax. This is the first year we raised the rainbow flag in Antigonish, CarolGesner?.
ComingOutStories: Dr Bob's story of JimMacSwain outing him to the entire medical community. "Two weeks later I thanked Jim."
Self introduction: JaneKansas
Continuing ComingOutStories
ChrisFrazer? mentions Leslie Feinberg's Transgender Warriors book.
0:23 : NeedsResearchCategory: someone needs to listen to the rest of this and finish the index. t

Audio Recording

The hourly breaks have been edited out of the recording.

This page is in the OralHistoryCategory

Media Coverage

CBC journalist RobynSimon? did a six-minute piece for Nova Scotia Mainland Information morning. Interviewed: DanielMacKay speaks, JaneKansas, and ChrisFrazer?. The piece is here. (mp3)


From the guest book at the event: