GaeGala, and then the OverThirtiesGroup, operated a Speaker's Bureau; that is, a group of people who were prepared to appear in public - an "Ask Me Anything."
The Over 30s appearances are documented in their Library; contact the secretary for access.
- 1973
- Class at St Mary's Univeristy; Victoria General Hospital Outpatient Staff re GayLine; Dalhousie Sociology Seminar. September 16, 1981: JimDeYoung, DonCormier?, and LynnMurphy appeared for Dr H.C. Still's Human Sexuality class at the DalUniversity Med School.
LynnMurphy writes about that:
- Oh my goodness, I was there! It says so in the small print in Jim's report. This was an annual event, and students from all the health professions took part in it; we had doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, many technical specialties. I can't remember whether it was a half day or a full day production. Besides the movies, in other years we had a panel presentation on gay life in Halifax (we didn't yet say LGBT), followed by breaking out into smaller groups with a GAE speaker assigned to each. There were a few not-quite-silent whispers of "What a waste!" after the presentation of an especially handsome gay man, but he, or perhaps it was another of our speakers, assured the students that it wasn't going to waste... AnneFulton and I wore cords and army boots, and nobody said "What a waste!" after our presentations.
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