
Speaker's Bureau

GaeGala, and then the OverThirtiesGroup, operated a Speaker's Bureau; that is, a group of people who were prepared to appear in public - an "Ask Me Anything." It's now being run by the ElderBerries.

The Over 30s appearances are documented in their Library; contact the secretary for access.

Class at St Mary's Univeristy; Victoria General Hospital Outpatient Staff re GayLine; Dalhousie Sociology Seminar.1
September 16, 1981
JimDeYoung, DonCormier?, and LynnMurphy appeared for Dr H.C. Still's Human Sexuality class at the DalUniversity Med School. Here's the GAE form handling the request, and here's the report about it by JimDeYoung.

LynnMurphy writes about that:

Oh my goodness, I was there! It says so in the small print in Jim's report. This was an annual event, and students from all the health professions took part in it; we had doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, many technical specialties. I can't remember whether it was a half day or a full day production. Besides the movies, in other years we had a panel presentation on gay life in Halifax (we didn't yet say LGBT), followed by breaking out into smaller groups with a GAE speaker assigned to each. There were a few not-quite-silent whispers of "What a waste!" after the presentation of an especially handsome gay man, but he, or perhaps it was another of our speakers, assured the students that it wasn't going to waste... AnneFulton and I wore cords and army boots, and nobody said "What a waste!" after our presentations.2

HistoryProjectTodoList: find out when it was created.


1. April 1973 GaeGala Newsletter
2. September 25, 2021 email from Lynn