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In General
There are several different ways to contribute to the History Project:
- Do interviews using the interview guide
- Create mini biographies for the H•R•E from the interviews
- Create mini autobiographies from completed self-interviews
- Index audio recordings
- Pick a topic, do research about it, and write
For the Women's Biography Editor
- LisVanBerkel? (Dan, fb)
- DeniceSmith? (Dan, fb)
- AngelaCroft? [Dan, fb]
- ElizabethMcQuaid? [Dan, fb]
- JudiMilne?
- DonnaBurns?
- JoanneBond? - biography + Three Helens Story
- CarolButler
- AnnMacMullin† - work with DianeWarren on a bio for her.
- GeorginaChambers?
- MariePaturel?
- KathCure?
- MaryAnnDaye
- PatDingle?
- HeatherGibson?
- CathyHarvison†
- SandraHenley?
- MarilynLamb?
- DebbieMathers?
- GailWatterson?
- JaneWright
- MaryAnnMerks? writes: I heard the interview on CBC this morning and immediately thought of my childhood neighbors. They are two wonderful ladies who moved to the farm next door to me to grow and peddle vegetables at their market. They are still living there into their retirement. I feel they would be a great addition to your archive if they would agree to be interviewed. Their names are Heather MacMillen? and Allison Hooley. They live on Rainsforth Road outside of Berwick N.S.
- CindyMurphy? - worked at Rumours under Marilyn Lamb and Doug Dixon for a few years.
- Nancy Rudback, HRPD: December 20, 2022: Halifax Police Departent's Madeleine Goldsmith (diversity and inclusion for HRP): Just wanted to let you know, I got in touch with Nancy Rudback, a retired member you’d asked about for an interview. She is quite busy with just retiring last year! She may be interested in the future. 😁
- RosemaryPorter
- NicoleKeeping
- NancyMcKinnon? - maybe able to tell a story about the deep closet that was enforced on you when you had kids
- BarbSawatsky
- JaneMorrigan?: tell the story of activism in Pictou county and the story of doing the anti RoseanneSkoke tapes.
For the Trans Women Biography Editor
For the Men's Biography Editor
- DrBobFredrickson 1) biiiig bio and 2) get him and get MikeDaviesCole to tell the story of being the first trans doctor in the province.
- GeorgeLeMoine? & WayneLovett†, owners of ApolloBath. TerryParker says, "You still have Steven. Heat and Wayne were attached the hip so to speak in all endeavors." Unclear who Steven is.
- PhilipCable?
- RobertAllan
- RonaldPublicover? (contact info in the backing files)
- DonStevens?, " the recipient of the first GAE scholarship. I went on to become a teacher." Contact info in the back files.
- NormanMoulton?
- ShawnLamb
- DougDixon
- RandGaynor
- DonMurchy? & maybe a roundtable, telling stories of the McNabs Island Weekends
- ShaunBartone?: self interview is ready to get written into a page
- BobFougere
- StephenAmbrose / Ginger
- FrancisYoung? (now in Fredericton) - GaeGala ending story, retrieving documents, beginning of AtlanticHistoryAndArchivesNetwork
- GordonThomas? (FB) -- "I worked at TheHeidelberg , 1976". Possible story: Now living in Puerta Vaillarta.
- RoydenTrainor?
- Dante - hairdresser. In November, 2024 he said he'd participate
- CharleyCorkumCleveland? FB
General Topics
RandyKennedy writes: One topic is always swept under the carpet . We hear about our successes , our struggles , our good and bad times but nobody ever talks about when a group of women who rarely went to the club tried to have Darg queens banned from attending the club in drag other than performing for fundraiser shows . I was guest speaker at two discussions on Drag and Adrien Cormier joined me for the 2nd one where we had to defend drag queens to a group of women who looked more like men than most men . This may not be a popular comment but it happened. CharleyCorkumCleveland? agrees: Randy, I remember that well, also at the Turret the Lesbians had their own corner and had the most fights at the bar, it was a different era and the Lesbians at that time seemed more like men , except a few that dressed and looked straight, weren't accepted very well and later were called lipstick got so bad that the Lesbians had women's night only , some of us me included didn't like it as we were separating the gay community at a time when we needed to be more united. Dan adds, " it would be good to more fully document this non-rosy part of our history. Rebecca Rose writes about it a bit on page 115 of _Before The Parade_ and Reg Giles wrote about it in Chapter 14 of Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich "
File away a bunch of photos from AnitaMartinez
June 28, 2020: BarendKamperman remembers The Boys In The Band being mounted at the Dalhousie Student Union Building in the 1970s. So - root through Dal Gazette archives to find out when this was, who mounted it, and maybe get an interview with them or someone else involved. Academic year '74-'75. Barend's housemate Laurie Fawcett was involved with the play.
December, 2022: get JoanCzapalay? to tell the story of the public meeting at the school in Barrington after EricSmith's HIV status disclosure. Maybe get them together to tell the story.
March 25, 2002 DebTrask: says: "Quite a bit has been done on this, some time ago. I have some material. I remember LynnMurphy doing research some time ago, and also my brother TonyTrask back in the mid-70s did some 'oral history' interviews - will think on this some more!"
March 24, 2002, MissVicki says to DanielMacKay, "You can interview me for some stories about CondonsBar!!"
March 25, 2002: TerryGoodwin, pers. corr to DanielMacKay, will forward my note to some friends who might want to help.
- document existing history items and ensure their preservation
- index existing history items, make that publicly available
- make a priority list of missing pieces
- make [copies of] existing history items available to the general public
Get someone to write a story or journal entry about the PillTimers - about what it was like to be in a room of HIV+ people and have all of their timers go off at e.g. 4 or 8.
July 17, 2002 History Club Meeting
- OscarWilde in Halifax Page - he stayed at the WaverleyInn - what did he do while he was here?
- Gay TourOfHalifax
- Oral History Project
- Writing Gay History / Using the Wiki Workshop; plan for the Fall; promote with article in Wayves, word of mouth, a flyer in the bars, letter out to the Over 30s club.
- Request things from people that are older than 1978.
- Write the story of the Murder In CampHillCemetery, 1979 or '80. DONE.
- Write the story of the Sit-In in the JuryRoom
- Late Nov, early Dec - invite people for a wine and cheese and telling stories.
- History of United Church becoming affirming - Al
- Would be interesting to gather info about TheStockade (do a search on this web system for a couple references to it.)
July 25, 2002: DanielMacKay observes: the OverThirtiesGroup is probably the oldest extant group in the city; we should do some history on this - AlStewart has offered to tell stories over a beer.
April 24, 2003
- RonGarnettDoucette suggests "Have you approached Dal or St. Mary's gay/lesbian organizations, there may be a student(s) that would be willing to help.
April 25, 2003
- RossBoutilier suggests: People who might help with a history project read books, and I'll bet they take courses from such people as our Mt St V. sisters.
- LesbianGayRightsNovaScotia needs a history.
- SpeakersBureau: start with TonyTrask
- WalterJohnson?: was he MissHalifax in the late '60s? Do interview & collect photos & ephemera. DanielMacKay has contact info.
- RedHerringBookstore carried lots of gay and lesbian books. Get its history and why it was so queer friendly.
- Brenda Thompson (Dan - FB)
- ValerieMansour?
- Robert Matthews - in Moncton, via ValerieMansour? (2024: says he doesn't remember much of it)
- PatrickBarnholden? worked there apparently
- UniversalistUnitarianChurch: what is the history of the relationship with the gay community? DrBobFredrickson, a member, says to check with the pastor, Dr John Baros-Johnson or Roger Davies for perhaps some of the more historical elements.
- Minutes of a GamesOfAtlanticCanada meeting indicate a performance of a play by JimMacSwain on March 22, 1981. Find out what it was and what it was about.
- GALA AGM March 15, 1989 minutes say, "Lesbian Conference will be held this weekend. Readings by Ann Cameron, Two Twenty Video, Workshops and more."
NilsClausson writes: Before Dave opened "TheeKlub" in the GreenLantern Building, there was an earlier club on one of the streets closer to the harbour than Barrington. People I met in 1972 often talked about it. But I know no more than this.
Something could be written on The "GayGreyApartmentBuilding" on Morris Street (where BarryHeath & PatrickMurphy?, GaryWalsh, TomGrey?, JimDeYoung, Chris Sheppard & his lover RogerStoddard? all lived.)
January, 2006: ThomDay's comments and questions have been moved to his own page :-)
Notes taken by DanielMacKay during EricSmith's talk on history, 2006-03-08
- Intro by PhilDugay? & PeterWalker? sec'y of dalOUt.
- Grew up in Shelburne County. Tested positive for HIV in 1986. In 1987, the community, including the parents of his students, found out he was HIV+ via an information leak from a doctor's office, and a months-long media frenzy erupted.
- do we have a page on the JuryRoom?
- add some history of how things at ApolloBath changed in the early '80s when AIDS began.
- Eric speculates that the AIDS crisis started lowering the tension between the masculine men and the drag queens and lesbians.
- Original name was the Gay Health Association. It morphed into Metro Area Committee on AIDS - MAC AIDS, vs NS PWA Coalition. In 1995-1996, the two organizations merged.
- Document thedevelopment of gay/straight alliances in the early '00s. Tie into other highschool groups' history
- Highlight the connection between EricSmith giving up his human rights complaint and bringing in the legislation to protect gays and hiv people as documented in the 30 years of pride document.
- when did safer sex workshops start? who started them? who taught them? I remember JJLyon. where did the materials come from?
- Gay history profs at Dal: TroyMcCallum?(sp?) CharlotteLoppie?.
- Short-lived Black AIDS project in Halifax: KimBernard?
- November 11, 2009: KevinBarlowe? mentionst that BrucePellegrin used to run a Sex Addicts 12-step group, Wednesday evenings at AST.
- Bruce Pellegrin Art: (No longer online.) website run by Gerianne B. Van Vugt
- find that website and pull as much of it as we can off the Wayback Machine
February 21, 2012: JaneKansas suggests we do an article on the [[SLURP_Party?]] series (check capitalization).
- Who, what, when, where, why; maybe scan one of the enigmatic invitations
- describe how the invitations worked
DanielMacKay writes: another interesting topic - the phenomenon of sleazy guys taking advantage of the "community" because we tend to trust quickly.
- Dan's Ken Rector story in the mid '80s: cute young guy moved to Halifax, got involved with everyone and everything, borrowed cash, took off with credit cards and computers. This one has an interesting and positive ending.
- KeithFudge
- your story here.
Frank Letourneau " I'll be happy to be interviewed and as background to my story you might want to read pp 227-229 of Gary Kinsman's "The Canadian War on Queers”.
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