Volunteering is a GREAT way of meeting people!
- HistoryProjectTodoList:
- Writing: we need older Halifax queers to write, or young queers to do interviews and research. Visit NeedsBioCategory and click on the page name at the top to get a list of all the people for whom we need bios. Or visit HistoryProjectTodoList.
- Photography: Many things are marked as NeedsPictureCategory. Get out your camera, do the same kind of search, and send the pics to CapnDan who'll make them available on the web for here.
- WikiCompetitions: needed: people to create ideas and graphics about this system
- MannaForHealth provides food and home visits for persons living with AIDS. We need volunteers to help in the collection, handling, and distribution of food. Please call 902-429-7670.
- AidsCoalition needs office people and other workers
- NsrapNeedsHelp - political action group
- PrideFestival: meeting dates are on LocalEvents
- WayvesMagazine - check our Production Calendar for dates of production meetings and layout, both are fun!
- Virtually every organization listed in GroupsAndServices needs volunteers.
- Add your volunteer needs here!!
Doing volunteer work is one of the better ways of MeetingPeople.
Oral History Work
The LGBT folk who helped form the community in Halifax are not getting any younger; we lose one or two per year. It’s urgent that we do oral history work with them; this is a somewhat urgent project.
I am proposing doing a set of oral history interviews with people who were Q activists in the 1970s and 1980s, with the plan that these will be placed into the Halifax Rainbow Encyclopedia and possibly the Nova Scotia LGBT Archives at Dal.
I would suggest:
- two interviewers per subject,
- plan for them to cue off each other on topics to explore as they detect the subject’s passion or expertise, and
- two 2- or 3-hour visits to each subject really would be best. Collecting the life experience of an elderly activist can not be done in an hour.
If the interviewers have not had Dr Matt Numer’s marvellous interview training, they should get it.
Here is the list of people who need these done, has an interview guide we’ve used, which can be modified.
Older lesbians are a uniquely difficult group to interview so we should plan to put some extra effort into that.