1975 The Boys In The Band
RobinMetcalfe writes: Hi, Daniel. It was the summer of 1975, actually, if it is the production I attended. . . . at the UCC, who put me in touch by phone with [[TommyBurns|Tom Burns]], and attending the play was . . .
1K - last updated 2020-06-29 23:58 by DanielMacKay
2016-07-21 GaysOfFuturePast
=Gays of future past= "Photos and posters from Halifax's first generation of gay and lesbian activists." . . . BobStout, WendallEnman, DavidAyotte, TommyBurns, RobinMetcalfe and [[Bob O'Neill]]) * A . . . BillMacKinnon (MissIris); RandyKennedy; TommyBurns ([[MadameSugar|Sugar]]); GeorgeRamsey; Tony . . .
2K - last updated 2024-06-01 12:42 by DanielMacKay
2018-07-22 Elderberries Salon
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/2018-07-22_Elderberries_Salon/button.jpg The 2018-07-22 was the first Salon . . . early days, naming DaveBragg, Diane, AnneFulton, TommyBurns, TommyMiller, ; 1:09 : RobinMetcalfe talks . . .
8K - last updated 2025-01-29 09:48 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/AlternateBookShop/1981-1982_ad.jpg 1981-1982 Yellow Pages Ad TommyBurns opened . . . 50}} EmeraldGibson purchased the bookstore from TommyBurns under an agreement drawn up by DavidGray. . . .
2K - last updated 2024-10-14 13:38 by DanielMacKay
BeforeTheParade index
This is an index of [[BeforeTheParade|Before The Parade]], RebeccaRose's book about activism and the . . . Company (theatre company) ||73 || ||[[TommyBurns|Burns, Tom]] ||2, 29, 32 (photo), 37, 39-40, . . . (photo), 105, 175, [[http://gay.hfxns.org?search=TommyBurns H•R•E]] || || || || ||[[CampHillCemetery|Camp . . .
31K - last updated 2024-10-30 09:37 by DanielMacKay
BeforeTheParade voices
RebeccaRose's book, [[BeforeTheParade|Before The Parade]], is a conversation between these people - she . . . * WalterBorden * NancyBrister * BrendaBryan * [[TommyBurns|TomBurns]] * AndreaCurrie * JimDeYoung * . . .
1K - last updated 2020-05-08 11:47 by DanielMacKay
=Daniel MacKay= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/DanielMacKay/2018-02-13.jpg 2018-02 I was born in the early . . . PrideCelebrations. Includes a CBC clip from TommyBurns, and recordings from the Storytelling Salons . . .
11K - last updated 2025-03-13 08:52 by DanielMacKay
==GAE & GALA== ==Gay Alliance for Equality & Gay And Lesbian Alliance== This page documents the history . . . letter.) : Founding board: DonnaBurns (Baker), TommyBurns (Laundry Worker), CarolButler (Housewife), . . .
11K - last updated 2024-10-15 15:44 by DanielMacKay
=The Garden View Restaurant= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GardenViewRestaurant/exterior_sidewalk.jpg NilsClausson . . . at the club from about 1974 to at least 1976), TommyBurns (the first chairman of GaeGala), and myself . . .
5K - last updated 2024-02-23 21:37 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GayLine/1988_ad.jpg 1988 The Halifax Gayline opened in 1972 and ceased operations . . . original volunteers in 1972 and 1973, along with TommyBurns, DavidGray, EdSlade, JimDeYoung, AnneFulton . . .
10K - last updated 2024-11-18 09:13 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/GreenLantern/1970_ca_postcard.jpg Postcard ca. 1970 courtesy RobinMetcalfe. . . . hub of the gay community" in 1971 - 1972 says TommyBurns{{BeforeTheParade p 32}} Click on the page . . . occupied by gay men, including me and Dave and TommyBurns and TommyMiller, as well as others. TomBurns . . .
6K - last updated 2024-12-04 10:40 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/HistoryPeople_cartoon.jpg Here is a list of early activists in Halifax - seriously . . . * DonnaBurns: GaeGala founding board * TommyBurns: GaeGala founding board * RobertByers†: . . .
7K - last updated 2024-12-08 21:56 by lynn murphy
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JimDeYoung/1982_ca.jpg Circa 1982 =Jim DeYoung= 1947-03-30 - 2014-07-08 Biography . . . [4:50] & [19:00] * his career [6:40] * TommyBurns, RobertStout, ClemCormier, TommyMiller, . . .
11K - last updated 2024-10-14 13:42 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/JohnHurlbert/1978_ca.jpg John Hurlbert in front of the candy rack at the upper . . . hear this as we were just talking about him with TommyBurns at the pride parade and wondering where . . .
3K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:49 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/NilsClausson/2010_ca.jpg ca. 2010 =Nils Clausson= Nils writes: I lived in . . . at Dalhousie). I fondly remember the GaeGala, TommyBurns (its first chairperson), and TheeKlub in . . .
3K - last updated 2023-04-04 15:01 by DanielMacKay
==Set The Stage== https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TommyMiller/ca1980.jpg Sugar ca.1978 So we decided to put . . . and also bought out the AlternateBookShop from TommyBurns. I had lost my friendly coversario but soon . . .
12K - last updated 2024-09-29 09:04 by DanielMacKay
==The Bitch Slap== As the weeks boogied on, the manager BobStout of [[The Turret]] was leaving for some . . . Alternate Bookstore== https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TommyBurns/ca1976.jpg Tommy Burns ca. 1976 The AlternateBookShop . . . people in a phone booth, this would describe it. TommyBurns (the proprietor who over the years has become . . .
4K - last updated 2022-11-02 19:11 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TommyBurns/ca1976.jpg Tommy Burns ca. 1976 =Tommy Burns= 1946-01-06 - 2022-08-20{{https://www.dartmouthfuneralhome.ca/obituary/thomas-tom-burns}} . . .
4K - last updated 2024-01-18 16:21 by DanielMacKay
18 pages found.