Historical businesses in Halifax. For the current list of queer businesses, visit GayBusinesses.
- CenterTownBedAndBreakfast? gay bed & breakfast near Oxford & Quinpool. Closed early 2005.
- Bob's Bed and Breakfast (Windsor St.) closed sometime before early 2005. For many years was operated by two lovers named Bob, so it was Bob & Bob's B&B.
- The Crepewagon - 1979, small business venture for BrendaBryan. The Crepewagon was an old milktruck, which had been renovated into a small mobile kitchen for making crepes. It was a fixture on Spring Garden Road during the summer of 1979 in front of the Halifax City Regional Library. She sold crepes from it over the lunch hour during the working week, and also on weekend nights. You can see an ad for the Crepe Wagon on the page for the HaveYouHeard newsletter.
- CafeQuelqueChose restaurant - late '80s to mid '90s?
- DebbiesDinette - a very queer restaurant in Head of St Margarets, run by JaneKansas, late '80s, early '90s.
- Of Course... A Cafe & Bistro. Morning Coffee, Lunch - Dinner, Fine Desserts [GAEZETTE July/August 1992] ChrisAucoin: originally on Hollis St, then moved to Market St and Park Lane. Then Park Lane closed, then Market St.
- Pride Supplement 1997 lists InsideOutBooks, upstairs at 1574 Argyle St, co - located with TheOpenCloset?, toys and gifts.
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