Last edit
Summary: ArchiveDuplicates
> * 1996 "Pride Not Prejudice" Bus posters in the ArchiveDuplicates
< * Activism Buttons: Many duplicates, good for displays
> * Activism Buttons: Many ArchiveDuplicates, good for displays
This page lists archival materials in the RainbowSeniorsArchive from RossBoutilier pertaining to his activism, SameSexMarriage, work with WayvesMagazine, SafeHarbourChurch and PrideCelebrations, collected September 12, 2019.
PrideCelebrations materials
- Halifax Pride Proclamations from the City of Halifax Mayer’s Office, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, Pride Parade Permits
- Pride Financial Committee (Pride 2001 legal documents)
- Pride 1997 source material
- Reflections Committee Award (Glass), 2 plaques (Pride Committee and StonewallTavern)
- Wayves advertising materials, drafts of documents and pride guides
- Printed copy of parade route in WayvesMagazine
- WayvesMagazine flats incl. parade route map
- Programs / Pride Guide 1995-1998 multiples
- Pride 1995 materials
- 1996 "Pride Not Prejudice" folder
- Pride logo challenge labelled “Pride 1998”
- 1997 Pride Guide - how we made it and finished copy
- Pride finances1 folder with Punoqun, Gaezette, Wayves, clippings
- Pink Triangle poster
- Pride Flats (white banker box)
- Pride guides, Coast issues, other clippings re. Pride
- Materials about producing Pride 2001
- Letter from JaneKansas with drawings suggesting non-alcohol-related events at Pride
- Big Bristol Board posters of 1997 PrideCelebrations, made for an event ten years later
- Pride 1998 Logo Contest
- Legal Documents Folder: Pride 1998 accounting, Jane Kansas letter requesting non-alcohol, maybe a pet event during Pride.
- 1996 "Pride Not Prejudice" Bus posters in the ArchiveDuplicates
WayvesMagazine materials
- accounting documents 1 folder; ThomFitzgerald’s movie, Wayves meetings “Wayves Production”, incl. photos, drawings
- Financial records
- Wayves Ad Source ca. 1995
- Punoqun, Gaezette, Wayves, clippings
Other Materials
- Human Rights / SameSexMarriage Briefing documents (1 spiral bound, 1 yellow folder, 1 teal folder, 1 clear folder) Ross’ 10 year fight with the federal government for marriage leave. Background material + the final decision.
- Newspaper clippings about the Banned Blood issue, incl Dalhousie Gazette article & clipping re. death of minister,
- RoseanneSkoke cartoon July 15, 1997
- Activism Buttons: Many ArchiveDuplicates, good for displays
- SafeHarbourChurch material
- 2 folders regarding cases labelled “WilsonHodder (incl. 1 photograph), NS legal challenge”
- WayvesMagazine Punoqun source materials
- GazeMagazine, Halifax magazine, three of the five issues
- folder; newspaper clippings about gay bashing
- Lesbian healthcare
- Photo album of life at SafeHarbourChurch
- Painting, "Breaking Free Into The Light" by BrucePellegrin
- DarleneYoung obituary material
- Truro Pride 2004
- “Anal Sexer” article
- Awards & plaques from Stonewall Tavern, Reflections & Halifax Pride
- Tee Shirts
- Pink Triangle Day poster
- Halifax Magazine with RyanMcGrath?, 1996