History Of Pride Celebrations In Halifax
This article documents past Halifax Pride celebrations. For current information, please see this page.
- August 19, 1973
- The Gay Alliance For Equality holds a "gala picnic" at Paddy's Head (near Peggy's Cove). Ten people enjoyed hot dogs, toasted marshmallows and floating around in an inflatable rubber dinghy (dubbed the "S.S. Zelco Queen".)
- October 10, 1977
- A march concluding that year's AtlanticConference, on the Sackville Street side of CitadelHill.
- 1978
- About 200-250 people people marched through Halifax when the Gay Alliance for Equality hosted the sixth national conference of the Canadian Lesbian & Gay Rights Coalition. Contemporary documents do not refer to this protest as a Pride march but some who were in attendance consider it to be one.
- Notes and memories here.
- 1982
- Notes and memories here.
- 1985
- LynnMurphy says: an article in the Guide of 1997 (which seems to be a special issue of Gaezette) says it was 1985, from the first Rumours club in Granville, up Spring Garden Road, ending at the gates of the Public Gardens. This is the famous bags-over-the-head march. Although unsigned, I think the article was written by me. This is not a confusion with the NLGRC Conference march, which the article mentions as having occurred in 1978. I have always thought that the march with the photo of SaraAvMaat in the foreground is indeed the 1988 march - but not the first march, which was 1985. But nobody seems to believe me. I think there were marches in 1986 and 87, but maybe not.
- 1987
- LynnMurphy talks with NathanElling about the first Pride March - or Parade
- 1988
- The well remembered "Brown Paper Bag" march. Pride March July 1, 1988. Ross says Parade No. 1, 75 people, five with brown paper bags over their heads.
- Notes, program & memories here.
- 1989
- Theme: Right To Be Proud Pride Week June 24, 1989 to July 1st. (Ross: No.2)
- Video and memories here.
- 1990
- Theme: We are Family June 23, 1990rd - July 2, 1990. MauraDonovan count: 110, plus or minus 10. " "Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia's got to go." Parade Marshall & Keynote Speaker: Winnipeg's openly gay mayor Glen Murray. Preview of movie Life After Diagnosis. Opening of [art show?] Blowing Up A Storm For Lesbian Liberation. Vespers Service. Women's dance.
- An Evening With Lorne's Jazz Library. "As for why I did it? So the girls knew there was more music than disco."
- A Literary Evening. Opening of "Beehive Babes" (drag show?). Exhibition Softball Game. Big party at Rumours afterward. Chant sheet has references to Buchanan, Leefe, and their Gory Tory buddies. (Ross: No.3) Image of the calendar is on file.
- 1991
- Theme: Growing Out Of Bounds June 22, 1991 - 30th, Pride Day June 22nd. ShirtlessnessDebate begins that Saturday night. Chairs: TerryMartin & KristenMacRoberts?. Community Award Winners: Community Contribution: MauraDonovan & EricSmith; Outstanding Rumours Staff: Barb; Outstanding GALA Member: PatDingle?; Outstanding Cultural Contribution: LoriMeserve; Long Term Contribution: LynnMurphy; Friend of the Community: JoannMartell? & St John's United Church; Moth Ball Award (for the person or organization who has done their most to keep g/ls in the closet): Concerned Parents of Cape Sable Island; LavenderDieselAward?: Premier Donald Cameron. In Halifax, about 140 marched, chanted and cheered on a June 22. Parade Marshall EricSmith. Fourth year in a row the Parade has been held. [all info from GAEZETTE July/August 1991] (Ross: No. 4)
- 1992
- Single page of photos and captions in the July/August GAEZETTE. June 27, 1992. Codco. Halifax Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Video & Film Festival. "Thanks to Bill for the great Pride Week Logo" (a triangle over a Maple Leaf, reproduced there) Pride March photos by DavidMorris?. DanielMacKay & NorvalCollins on motorcycles. [No counts or article in GAEZETTE July/August 1992] (Ross: No. 5)
- 1993
- June cover of GAEZETTE, pride parade, drawn by BenKozak. Planned events in the June issue: Peggy's Film Festival, reading by Audrey Butler. Honourary Marshalls: the GayLine. Chants led by the Scotia Seven, "For the first time, Rumours will stay open until 3:00am". Reception co-sponsored by Rumours and Studio Lounge. Tightrope marshalling and open house later. Friends of Safe Harbour MCC hold a panel discussion moderated by AlStewart, including wiccan BrendaBarnes, ordained minister DarleneYoung, Anglican layman George Munro. Vespers held June 27th. CKDU All Day, All Gay. Photos by RogerJohnson here. (Ross: No. 7)
- 1994
- Week: June 27, 1994 to July 3, 1994; Theme: Take Pride In Ourselves.
- Parade: July 2, 1994. About 300 people MauraDonovan recollects 600. LeeFleming heads up the parade; she was interviewed in Wayves..
- Program for the Variety Show here. Page 7 is badly scanned but lists the people involved; this document is probably in the NovaScotiaLGBTSeniorsArchive.
- The program also lists a Tea Dance, MCC Picnic, Gala Ball at Rumours, and Vespers on Sunday the 3rd.
- Honorary Parade Marshals: WilsonHodder and LynnMurphy "Halifax Queer Of The Year" DanSmith presented by JaneKansas
- Here is a few minutes of video taken by Fran Haver, a visiting friend of MattHughes & RogerJohnson
- (Ross: No. 7)
1995: DanielMacKay & NorvalCollins on motorcycles; RossBoutilier and GaryHanrahan carrying the Wayves banner
- 1995
- Parade: July 8, 1995. Committee: LynnMurphy (chair) Angela Berrette Honorary Parade Marshals: Wayves Collective
- Parade permit request (pdf, 3 pages, handwritten) specifying the date, Garrison Grounds, at least three vehicles, 200-300 people, four motorcycle police. Route: Garrison Grounds, Bell Road, Sackville Street, L onto Brunswick, down Duke, R on Argyle, down Blowers, and end at Granville and Salter St. Reception at |The Studio. Signed by RobertThompson?. (Ross: No. 8)
- 1996
- Theme: Pride not Prejudice. Parade: June 29, 1996. Co-Chairs: JaneKansas and TomRomard?. Other Commitee members: RossBoutilier, LynnMurphy, RobThomson? (several more) (Ross: No. 9) We got posters made to go up in the buses - "Pride Not Prejudice" - some ArchiveDuplicates of which are in the RossBoutilier collection in the RainbowSeniorsArchive. Honorary Marshals: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth
- 1997
- Co-Chair : JaneKansas, probably with TomRomard?. Source: June 15, 1997 asking for financial support for a 30-second anti-homophobia TV spot. CBC originally refused the spot, but then agreed to air it for a fee of $50.00 per airing. Honorary Parade Marshals : Two-Spirited People (Ross: No. 10)
- 1998
- June 27, 1998. Chair: JaneKansas with LesConnors? as Parade Coordinator. DanielMacKay gets involved because the Pride web page on Chebucto is vexingly out of date. Turret Reunion. Peggy's Film Festival. Merchandise Bingo, Micmac Friendship Center. Dan Savage. FrontRunners? morning run. Ecumenical Pride Service @ Brunswick United. (Ross: No. 11)
- 1999
- Chair: DanielMacKay. June 26, 1999. Daily News reported 500, Pride observer counted and recounted 650, another counted about 300 bystanders. Planning for Pride started only nine weeks before. Marshall: The children's TV show character, Tinky Winky -story here.. Two days of CKDU All-Day All Gay Programming. LavenderDieselAward?: UNB Faculty of Law. (Ross: No. 12)
- RossBoutilier made some displays from photos of 1997 here
- 2000
- Friday, June 23, 2000 to Friday, June 30, 2000. Pride Day: June 24, 2000
- Board: Chair: DanielMacKay.
- Events: EGALE/Pride Fun(d)Raising BBQ. East Coast Bears Brunch. TerryMartin Memorial Scholarship BBQ. Proclamation & Flag Raising. Womyn's Night. Youth Pride BBQ AidsCoalition Open Meeting. Day At The Beach. Gay & Lesbian Films. Closing party at the Prince George Hotel.
- Dan & NorvalCollins attend the Canadian Pride Organizers conferene in Montreal. Letter of greetings from Al Gore, Vice President of the USA, "Tipper joins me in thanking you for your commitment to our nation and its fundamental values of inclusion, opportunity, and respect for every individual. Please accept our warmest regards."
- (Ross: No. 13)
- 2001
- Theme: A Pride Odyssey. "This year marks the 20th year of the AIDS epidemic."
- Team: Chairs: DanielMacKay & Lori Clifford. Media: ColinLake & RossBoutilier. Logo, "Prideful People" by SamMeehan
- Awards: Grand Marshall: ISCANS represented by CameronBallard and StudioXLeNoir?. Community Service awards: KimVance & DrBobFredrickson.
- Events: Mayor PeterKelly? reading Pride Week Proclamation & flag raising. CKDU All Day, All Gay organized by StaceyWillick?. "Splash" harbour cruise on the Harbour Queen. FamilyPrideCampingAssociation BBQ in Point Pleasant Park. SafeHarbourChurch Pride Service. YouthProject BBQ. Book reading at VenusEnvy: Darren Greer reading from his book Tyler's Cape and Nancy Rodriguez reading from her book Throw it to the River at the Halifax Public Library
- Numbers: about 600 in the Parade, as many again waiting for us at Sackville Landing.
- Notes and memories here.
- (Ross: No. 14)
- 2002
- Week: July 14, 2002 - 21st. Parade: July 20, 2002. Moved to July for several reasons.
- Board: Chairs: BobFirthTessier? & MikeDaviesCole. YoungGayAmerica do extremely successful public relations.
- Here's a CBC interview with NorvalCollins listing events (CBC calls him the Chair - he is the Chair of Pride Fundraising. Summary: This was the first year that the date of the Pride Festival was moved from the original Stonewall riots and the date of Toronto’s Pride in June to July with the Pride Parade at the end of Pride Week on July 20. The date was moved to avoid competing with other cities like Toronto and Montreal with the intent of bringing more money into Halifax for the festivities. The main outdoor events were held at Sackville Landing on the waterfront with other events at local bars, such as the opening Ambassador’s Party at Reflections. The Pride Festival had moved on from a protest to a celebration of achievements, such as legal GLBT partnerships and the ability to adopt. To celebrate Halifax Pride had invited Mark Hall as our Grand Marshall. Mark was noted as a major legal victory for gay rights after having been initially refused permission to attend a Catholic Graduation Dance with another man. Mark’s case went on to be a major challenge to religious freedom versus individual rights and freedoms.
- CBC interview with IanCrowe that year about not being able to buy an RRSP with his partner.
- Police count 2000 at the parade; maybe 500 waiting for us at Sackville Landing.
- Awards: CerinaRomanoffBlake / Sheldon is Halifax PrideAmbassador I. Grand Marshall: MarcHall?.
- New York Police Department Cops. The Daily News wrote on July 21, 2002 Burly New York City cops aren't the typical image of gay men (that guy in the Village People aside). But yesterday, a group of New York's finest lead moms, drag queens and bikers wearing chaps but little else through the streets of Halifax."
- Events: RaymondTaavel recreates "Peggy's Film Festival" as Reel Pride with about 120 people each night. Ambassador I show at Legion Hall on Cunard St. Leather To Lace photo exhibit at VenusEnvy. Flag Raising at Grand Parade. Halifax Queer History Club meeting at the Killam Library Courtyard organized by DanielMacKay. Bimbo Bingo at ReflectionsCabaret. Queer As Film Night hosted by GlennWalton. Queen Size S.H.A.G. at the KhyberClub. Reading Out Loud hosted by JaneKansas. Women's Dance at the Halifax Civic Worker's Club. Steers, Queers & Beers at the ToolBoxEast. Bear Pride Dinner at PineausCafe. Splash II harbour tour on the Harbour Queen. Free BBQ at ClubNrg. Men's Pride Swim @ Halifax YWCA. Pride Week Family BBQ, Point Pleasant Park organized by MauraDonovan. SafeHarbourChurch's Pride Service. YoungGayAmerica produce a photo exhibition, Exuberance! 120-150 at the Family Pride BBQ in Point Pleasant Park. Website creation by GillianWellmann?.
- (Ross: No. 15)
- 2003
- Week: July 13, 2003 - 20th. Day: July 19, 2003. Theme: Show Your Colours
- Board: Chairs: RaymondTaavel and KaraRedden. Board: GregNepean. Also BobFirthTessier?, MikeDavies, RossBoutilier, GaryHanrahan, TaraAinsworth?, DanielBoucher?, TeriHill?, NadineParsons?, MichaelYorke?, LaurieWile?, RaymondTaavel
- Events: March 1, 2003 Sleigh Ride at Montague Estates, Dartmouth. Pride Week Opening Party Mardi Gras Ball I. Proclamation by Mayor PeterKelly?. YearsOfPride reception for community pioneers, at the Halifax Club. BluenoseBears dinner at PineausCafe. 10th Annual Women's Pride Dance @ McInnes? Room, Dal. OINK II, Biker Pigs for Pride! 2nd Annual Family Pride BBQ. Queer Comedy Night @ Tribeca. Dyke Night @ SeaDogsSauna. Reel Pride film night at the Lecture Hall of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, with about 130 people each night. Reading Out Loud II hosted by JaneKansas. RyanStevens / NatasshaNlott is Halifax PrideAmbassador II Show at Royal Canadian Legion, Cogswell St. Downtown merchants are challenged to a Window Decorating Contest.
- As Chair at the AGM in November, Raymond said, "A year of firsts: Spring Garden Rd. doubled numbers, half dozen tractor-trailers. Acquired and walked a section of the Rainbow 25 Flag. Regional and national poster campaign (Ambassador in the VW at Spring Garden & Queen); posters went all over the country. Website was, as always, a major communication tool. MauriceMichaud? was our webmaster for 2003. Print and electronic media profiled us substantially this year. First ever queer comedy night. Two night queer film festival, an art show, and a reception at the Halifax Club celebrating the veterans of the community. We've received lots of positive feedback from the community which will guide future committees. "
- Awards: Grand Marshalls: Kevin Bourassa, Joe Varnell, Nicky and Sue Perkins. Parade numbers 4000, close to 10,000 spectators, landing approx 5000.
- Mainstream Media: TheCoast July 13, 2003 issue has Your Special Gay about marriage, with EllenVeniot? and MartinaChandler? and a history article by JaneKansas, Queer Through The Years with quotes by DanielMacKay, RossBoutilier, KimVance and SamMeehan. ChronicleHerald July 5, 2003 article Same-sex marriage activists chosen to lead Pride Parade
- (Ross: No. 16)
- 2004
- July 11, 2004 - 18th. Day: July 17, 2004. Theme: "This Way out"
- Board: Chairs: JayThordarson and CalandraSmith?. Board: JamesPaynter, Events; TracieDickey?, Sponsorship; JamieONeil?, Marketing; IanCrowe, Treasurer; Ambassadors: CerinaRomanoffBlake, Ryan Stevens, KaraRedden. Members at large: RaymondTaavel, NorvalCollins, DanielMacKay, KathyKaulbach?, ColinQuigley?.
- Awards: Grand Marshall: EldonHay. KaraRedden is PrideAmbassador III. Vanguard Award: BernadineLapointe?, BobFougere. LavenderDieselAward?: MikeVelemirovich?, Hillcrest Volkswagen.
- Events: BernadineLapointe? creates Dykes Vs Divas softball game which gets over 600 spectators. DawnSloane Celebrity Roast. Men's Dinner at PineausCafe. RaymondTaavel creates Garden Tour with three gardens & 85 visitors. Reel Pride III with about 40 people each night. Chef's Pride dinner for two raffle, created by RaymondTaavel, 100 tickets sold. Comedy Night created by RaymondTaavel @ ClubVortex with CathyJones?, approx 250 people. Reading Out Loud III. Ambassador III. 3rd Annual FamilyPrideCampingAssociation picnic in Point Pleasant Park.
- Parade: Police Counts: almost 6000 people in the parade; 10-15,000 spectators, 5,000 people at Sackville Landing! Special guests: Mr Lahey & Randy from Trailer Park Boys, who came out as lovers in the last year. Some pics on line at http://bonmot.ca/~daniel/pride2004/
- Budget $26,000. Income & Expense Report
- Lots of photos here
- (Ross: No. 17)
- 2005
- Week: July 18th - 24th. Theme: "Proud Halifax Pride". Pride Parade Day: July 23rd.
- Board: Chair: JayThordarson and TinaWalsh. Events Coordinator: JamesPaynter; Marketing: BrynJonesVaillancourt?. Ambassadors: KaraRedden, HarmonyAngel, RyanStevens. Parade Coordinator: RaymondTaavel. Public Relations: DavidMacMillan. Sponsorship: MikeBeaucage? Volunteer Coordinator: ChrisRacine?. Webmaster: MauriceMichaud?. Other Board: LaurieBryson?, IanCrowe, NorvalCollins, LeonKeyes?, DanielMacKay, LisaPottie?, RaymondTaavel.
- Events: Dykes Vs. Divas baseball game has 1200 spectators. WetSpot?: The Party for LBQTT women and their allies @ Stage Nine. Halifax Womyn's 12th Annual Pride Dance. RuPaul and CarolePope perform. Comedy Night @ ReflectionsCabaret with MaryEllenMcLean?, emcee RougeFatale, performers KaraRedden, JamesPaynter, CandyPalmater, TimHumphries?, ChuckGillis, MichaelBest, CharlesHseun?, approx 250 people. Dykes vs. Divas on the Diamond Baseball Game. Pride Ambassador show, Parade and Comedy Night. RuPaul performing live at ReflectionsCabaret!!! Reel Pride with 80-90 people each night, with local filmmakers GlennWalton, JimMacSwain and AlecButler?. Chef's Pride dinner for two raffle, approx 60 tickets sold. Morning Worship at StJohnsUnitedChurch led by Rev. EldonHay. 2nd Annual Garden Tour, four gardens of south end homes, organized by NorvalCollins. Canadian Auto Workers march in Parade, organized by KevinBanfield?. SafeHarbourChurch Pride Service.
- Awards: NatasshaNlott is PrideAmbassador IV. Parade Grand Marshall: SeanForeman.
- Police Counts: 4000 people in the parade, 7- 10000 spectators lining the route. "The Eunuch Unit" contingent led by RichardWassersug. Confetti popgun shorts out electrical power to a lot of downtown for over an hour. Some pics on line at http://bonmot.ca/~daniel/pride2005/
- Budget:
- Budget $37,000. Budget Report
- HRM Event Costs $7000, RuPaul $16360 + 240 + 600, Events Guide Production + Insertion $5200, Merchandise $1800, Sackville Landing Production: $4750, Parade Police $1700, Graphic Design $1350, Honorariums $1000, Sackville Landing Food + BBQ Rental $850, Piper $400, Volunteers $250, Direct Parade Costs $500. General Admin and Marketing costs were $5500 more than expected. Total $42460. Projected Income: Sponsorship $27385, Comedy Night $836, Chef's Pride $220, Reel Pride $500, T-Shirts $500, YouthProject Fundraiser $907. Budget shortfall of $14000 as of a meeting in July.
- "ClubNrg not permitted within the Halifax Pride Parade PERIOD."
- Some media clippings here https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/PrideCelebrations/2005/
- Lots of photos here
- (Ross: No. 18)
- 2006
- Week: July 16th - 23rd. Parade Day: July 22nd. Theme: "Community"
- Board: Chairs: HugoDann & PatrickDaigle.
- Events: We hosted the 2006 InterPride Conference, the conference of the Canadian branch of the international association of Pride organizers. Reception moved from the waterfront to the Halifax Commons. Proud art! Youth Art Exhibit. Outdoor screening of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert at Electropolis. Dykes vs Divas game. YouthProject GSI - Gender Scene Investigation. Reel Out! Film Fest. Play: Cul-De-Sac by DanielMacIvor and DanielBrooks?. Tall Ship Silva Queer Open Deck Party. Reading Out Loud with JoeyComeau?, HugoDann, DanielMacIvor, MaryEllenMacLean? and many more with host JaneKansas. Out Run 5K run. Faeries on the Ferry, picnic on Dartmouth Commons. This Ain't Your Typical Rose Garden Tour.
- Firsts: A letter from the Premier; Police marching (with Colour Guard); Out Run; Interfaith Service; Concert on the Common; Lunchtime Lectures; Health Forums; Tourism Industry Meeting; successful fundraising for LGB YouthProject and ACNS
- Awards: LindsayWillow was Grand Marshall, and "Pennies For Lindsay" an initiative of the Youth Project, raised several thousand dollars to support legal costs incurred by Lindsay during her human rights challenge.
- A number of politicians attended, including Liberal leadership candidates ScottBrison & HedyFry?.
- Overall attendance? Police crowd estimates: 30,000 for the parade and 8-10 thousand for the Commons.
- Some pics here
- There is a budget and financial statements for 2006, sent in by TristanLaan? on file here.
- (Ross: No. 19)
- 2007
- Week: July 14th - 22nd. Pride Day: 21st.
- Board: Chairs: MichaelDaviesCole & TamaraMatheson?; LeeAnnePoole, Events; RaymondTaavel, Media/PR.
- Events: Bicycle ride with the Bent Rims, organized by GetOutHalifax. Dykes vs. Divas baseball game. Proclamation & Flag Raising. LGB YouthProject events: Art Show at the KhyberClub, Open Mic & Variety Show, GSI: Gender Scene Investigation, Dance at the KhyberClub. Noon time lecture series: Homophobia in Sport with CatherineMeade; Activism: The Next Generation with KevinKindred; The Other Cheek: Equality rights and religious rights by ElaineCraig?, Dalhousie constitutional law prof. Book launch: The Skin Beneath by NairneHoltz? and A Softer World by JoeyComeau?; SheDogs presents: Pussy Playhouse, bathhouse for women & transfolks at SeaDogsSauna; Reading Out Loud with JaneKansas; Out Run!; Interfaith Prayer Service on the commons, hosted by SafeHarbourChurch; OUTBid! Halifax Pride Silent Auction with RyanMacGrath & The Wooden House; This Ain't Your Typical Rose Garden Tour of lgbt owned home gardens in the south end; OUTrageous! A night of queer comedy.
- April 23, 2007 ChronicleHerald story reports that mayor PeterKelly? plans to attend the parade.
- Some pics here
- Budget $45,000. Income & Expense Report
- (Ross: No. 20)
- 2008
- Week: July 20 - 27, 2008. Theme & Logo: 20 Years Proud 08; logo was a riff on NS license plate with the numbers 20 YRS PRD 08 and the slogan, 'Canada's Ocean Gayground.' Pride Day: July 26.
- Board: Chair: HugoDann, Vice Chair: LizMcQuaid?.
- Rainfall stats for the previous eight years were researched by AndyHewlett? who recommended the last Saturday of July or the first Sunday of August.
- Parade followed the route of the Holiday Parade of Lights down the length of Barrington and up Spring Garden Road. Good weather and the new route brought record numbers out. Estimated attendance at Parade: 40,000 (some have suggested 50,000); at Concert & Community Fair: 12,000.
- Awards: Grand Marshalls: MikeSangster, Board Chair for the ACNS, and LeighannWichman, Executive Director of the Youth Project.
- Events: New events included Under the Big Top, a Songwriters' Circle at Garrison Grounds, produced by RyanMacGrath. 5th Annual Dykes vs Divas Softball Game. 2nd Homo Hopper Tour on the Harbour Hopper. Proclamation & Flag Raising. Games & BBQ at the YouthProject. A Tribute To Elton John at the Music Room produced by Angels & Heroes with IanSherwood?, ChristinaMartin?, RyanMacGrath, AndreaCurry?, StewartLegere?, AnnDoyle? and RichieWilcox. NSRAP Lecture Series with lectures by MattNumer?, CatherineMeade, JennNearing?, KevinKindred. Atlantic Film Festival Fresco Film Some Like It Hot. Reading Out Loud VII. Pride Ceilidh produced by RyanMacGrath. WetSpot? at The Argyle, produced by SimonThibault and DJ Ro. Ladie's Night Paddle in the harbour. YouthProject Talent Night and GSI: Gender Scene Investigation. SheDogs Pussy Playhouse IV at SeaDogsSauna. Family Pride Picnic at the Dartmouth Sportsplex. Queer Comedy Night at the Delta Halifax.
- Attendance was up for all events, such as Reading Out Loud & TimeOut? lecture series.
- LOTS of photos here
- (Ross: No. 21)
- 2009
- Week: July 19 - 26, 2009. Pride Day: July 25.
- Board: Started out as Chair: HugoDann, Vice Chair: LizMcQuaid?; Dann stepped down in June due to health concerns, and EdSavage and McQuaid? became co-chairs.
- Events: 6th Annual Dykes vs Divas Softball Game Proclamation & Flag Raising. Artsy Fartsy: Queer Youth Art Show at FRED. Trans & Gender Queer Sleepover at the YouthProject. Youth Talent Show at FRED. SheDogs women's bathhouse. FancyGayDressParty. Reading Out Loud with readings by StewartLegere?, RyanMacGrath and RandallPerry. Annapolis Valley Wine Tour. Tall Ship Silva Pride Boat Cruise. Under The Big Top Songwriters Circle hosted by RyanMacGrath.
- 2009-06-02 Halifax Pride Gets Hallmark Status. Parade: nonconfirmed: 60,000
- Pride undergoing a complete rebranding as Atlantic Canada's Largest LGBTQ Cultural Event.
- Lots of pics here
- (Ross: No. 22)
- 2010
- Co-Chairs: LizMcQuaid? & EdSavage. Week: July 17, 2010 - 26th. Pride Day: July 24th. Four "timeOUT" lectures at SGR Library with 30-50 each one; 70 people in the city's first Dyke March. FancyGayDressParty.
- Photos of dyke march here.
- Main Pride photos here
- (Ross: No. 23)
- 2011
- July 17, 2011 - 24, logo/Theme - 'Better Together'
- Co-Chairs: EdSavage, TanyaBloomfield; Secretary: AdamNoble?; Treasurer: ClaudiaLegg?; Entertainment Coordinator LizMcQuaid?; Community Fair Coordinator: KimberlyFowlow?; Sponsorship Coordinator: MarionSteele?; Queer Acts Festival Coordinator: AdamReid?; Fundraising Coordinator: ColinHebb?; Parade Coordinator: PaulForrest?; Volunteer Coordinator: KathyWalsh?; Communications Coordinator: NathanBoudreau?; Merchandise Coordinator: KristaSnow; Other Directors: SusanSangster?, TrentSlaunwhite?. Added later: Co-Chair LizMcQuaid? replaces Tanya; Communications: AncelLangille?; Entertainment chair: KenMurray?. Award winners - NevilleMacKay - Parade Grand Marshall.
- Events: FancyGayDressParty. Halifax Pride hosted the Fierte Canada Pride (FCP) conference in March, 2011/Dykes vs Divas Ball Game, 2,400 people, Queer Acts Theatre, NSRAP Lunchtime Lecture Series, first Sponsors' Reception, Province House and City Hall Rainbow Flag raised, CBC participates for the first time in the Parade, first 'Kids Can' area on site with 75 children attending; police count on parade route - 80,000!
- Videos of the parade by RegGiles
- Photo collections here
- (Ross: No. 24)
- January 17, 2011
- Registry of Joint Stock Companies lists directors: TrentSlaunwhite?, NathanBoudreau?, SusanSangster?, KristaSnow, PaulForrest?, EdSavage, TanyaBloomfield, AdamNoble?, ClaudiaLegg?, LizMcQuaid?, AdamReid?, ColinHebb?, KathyWalsh?, MarionSteele?, RossBoutilier
- October 13, 2011: 2011 AGM elects TamiMeredith?, AdamNoble?, EricSangster?, KenMurray?, TamVivian?, BlaireChapman?, JennaNelson?, FrankBuzanson? & KathyWalsh?. The minutes of this meeting are in the 2012 AGM Report
- 2012
- Dates: July, 2012-July - 29, 2012, Pride Day Saturday July 28, 2012. Parade Route
- Board: Co-Chairs: KristaSnow & EdSavage. Treasurer: ClaudiaLegg?; Secretary: AdamNoble?; Sponsorship: MarionSteele?; Volunteer/Communications: KathyWalsh?; Queer Acts Festival: AdamReid?; Entertainment: KenMurray?; Fundraising: ColinHebb?; Merchandise: KristaSnow; Alcohol Sales & Compliance: SusanSangster?; Other members: PaulForrest?, EricSangster?, TrentSlaunwhite?. Honorary Marshall: DanielMacKay
- June 14, 2012: 2012 PrideCommittee Bylaw Changes are discussed, amended, and approved at a public meeting.
- October 11, 2012: Annual General Meeting; reports here
- Lots of pics here
- (Ross: No. 25)
- 2013
- Dates: July 21, 2013 - 28th, 2013. Pride Day Saturday, July 27, 2013.
- Financial Statements here
- Christopher Daniel Joseph Scullino, charged with 2013 Pride Theft faced three charges after more than $16,000 went missing. He didn't show up for a May, 2014 court date in Halifax. On November 25, 2015 Scullino was arrested and charged with credit card fraud in Calgary
- (Ross: No. 26)
- 2014
- September 17, 2013 AGM elects seven new community members to the board: WillemBlois? (Logistics), HeatherGreen? (Entertainment), AnthonyJonesVaillancourt? (Treasurer), GaidhealMcIntyre? (Fundraising), MarkMonk (Volunteer Coordination), TimMurphy? (Vice-Chair), and DylanWhite? (Communications). Returning members completing their two year term include PaulForrest? (Secretary/Parade), MarionSteele? (Sponsorship), AdamReid? (Queer Acts), and RamonaWestgate? (Chair).
- PrideHealth did a video.
- January 22, 2014 : Office at 2151 Gottingen Street!, above the Guardian Pharmacy at Cornwallis.
- January 22, 2014 email: "Halifax Pride Committee received a resignation from its Board of Directors, which will be filled according to its bylaws. The resignation was accompanied by grievances against five board members; after discussion which excluded the respective members in question, the Board considers the grievances without merit."
- (Ross: No. 27)
- 2015
- Thursday July 16, 2015 to Sunday July 26, 2015. Parade Saturday July 25, 2015.
- 2015-10-07 Halifax Pride AGM Summary
- (Ross: No. 28)
- 2016
- July 19, 2016 to July 24, 2016
- Speaker: AnnMarieMacDonald?; So Fetch Pet Show; Dykes vs Divas; Opera Backwards at the BusStopTheatre; Parade on July 23, 2023
- October 5, 2016 Annual General Meeting: this was very dramatic - it was the Arabs vs. Jews AGM. The Atlantic Jewish Council bussed in dozens - a hundred? members; they were allowed to vote according to the Halifax Pride rules (basically, anyone who shows up and pays, is a member, except they waived the payment part.) QueerArabsHalifax had one member to represent them? DanielMacKay did a running transcript to a Google Doc so people could read what was going on: it is here.
- (Ross: No. 29)
Justin Trudeau. Photo by ShijuMatthew
- 2017
- Parade July 22, 2017 Board: Chair: MorganManzer; Vice-Chair: KarinaFurlan?; Secretary: PaulForrest?; Members at large: SheaPeach?; DylanWhite?; EllenDavis?; GeorgieDudka?; KristaSnow; NivieSingh?; SkySmith?. Staff: Exec Director: AdamReid?; Logistics Coordinator: FionaKerr?. Volunteer leads: Social Media Coordinator: Emma Robertson; Media Liaison: NickVoutour?; Youth Coordinator: WilliamBabstock?; Volunteer Coordinator: TristanTenBrinke?; Parade Coordinator: DavidDuplisea?; Fundraising Coordinator: JohnTheriault?. Youth Marshall: KennyCooley?; Grand Marshall: MagicProject?.
- Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau walked in the parade. Video from the Canadian Press here.
- Notably absent from the venues during this Pride Week was TheCompanyHouse - probably partly due to being owned and staffed by straights, but also due to fallout from a trans etc. phobic comedy show in April (see the page for details.) The owners announced that they were closing a month later.
- February 6, 2017 Halifax Police HRPD announces that it will not participate in Pride this year: "We recognize that as a result of what we've seen elsewhere in the country, specifically in Toronto, as well as what we've heard here locally, that there were some concerns about police presence in the parade," Chief Jean-Michel Blais said at a news conference, "we have decided to take a step back and participate in more meaningful ways.”
- There was a Looking Back At Queer Halifax History session.
- The AGM in 2016 for this year was very contentious in the field of racism and People of Colour vs. Jews vs. non-POCs. Here's a letter that MalcolmNorton wrote about the AGM and the press coverage of it.
- Program here.
- 2017 Board Reports Here
- 2017 Pride Board Biographies
- 2017 Halifax Pride AGM Summary
- (Ross: No. 30)
- 2018
- Thursday July 19, 2018 to Sunday July 29, 2018! Parade Saturday July 21, 2018.
- Chair: MorganManzer; Ambassador: RobertWright
- (Ross: No. 31)
- 2019
- Pride Festival is Thursday July 18, 2019 to Monday, July 29, 2019! The Halifax Pride Parade will be on Saturday July 20, 2019. Media estimates: 150,000 people. Ambassador: ChrisCochrane? / ElleNoir. Chair: MorganManzer. EllenDavis? - Vice Chair and Communications; PaulForrest? - Secretary and Events; JennaMcNeil? - Treasurer and Marketing; DylanWhite? - Website and Design; Heather Baglole - Programming; JessSmith? - Education; PatrickMaubert? - Health & Wellness and Elders. Staff: Adam Reid - Executive Director; FionaKerr? - Community Logistics Coordinator, Youth Co-Lead; BayleighMarelj? - Volunteer Coordinator; NickHerrgott? - Communications Coordinator.
- 2019 Halifax Pride Committees
- (Ross: No. 32)
- 2020
- Official Pride due to COVID. However there was a 2020-07-18 Elderberries March.
- (Ross: No. 33)
- 2021
- The 2021 Pride Festival from Thursday August 12, 2021 to Sunday, August 22, 2021. Chairs: MorganManzer and then FrancesDadinAlli. Pride Ambassadors are the GSA youth of the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning. Featuers: Halifax Pride Comedy Show; Testing! Testing! Queer Music Showcase; Questions & Queeries: Pride Trivia Night; All Tongues Newcomers Hangout; and Drag Bingo.
- February 24, 2021 MorganManzer resigned as chair, "I would like to thank all board members and volunteers I have had the opportunity to serve with, particularly Executive Director, AdamReid?. I leave thankful for the many wonderful memories and friendships I have gained from this experience. I will cherish them.” MikeDaviesCole interviewed Morgan; the computer transcript, unedited, is here.
- In a protest against a transphobic book in the Halifax Library, Halifax Pride breaks long time ties with the library; no events are scheduled there.
- (Ross: No. 34)
- 2022
- Pride Festival is Thursday July 14, 2022 to Sunday July 24, 2022. Theme: Reconnect
- Pride Parade on July 16, 2022, start time is moved to noon. There is a new route for a variety of reasons including downtown Halifax construction here.
- A month or so after the 2022 festival, long time exec director AdamReid? resigned.
- (Ross: No. 35)
- 2023
- A Pride Festival produced by the Halifax Pride Society didn't happen.
- Bitter public battles within the Society began very shortly after the end of Pride 2022. This page documents the drama and upheavals and tracks the Board changes.
- However, community organizations in the community stepped up to produce a two-month-long pride festival with about 250 events in June and July. Because Pride didn't publish a calendar, the H•R•E became the Pride calendar. Here's the H•R•E calendar for those two months. (pdf, 15M)
- Board: FrancesDadinAlli, Chair & Immigrant Committee Lead; ChrisCochrane?, Vice-Chair & Trans & Non-binary Committee Lead; TrinaJames?, Secretary & Events Committee Lead; JeffBandy?, Treasurer; CristaHenry?, QTBIPOC Committee Lead; LianeKhoury?, Health & Wellness Committee Lead; PatrickMaubert?, Elder Committee Lead, Health & Wellness Co-Lead; SalmanSadib?, Advocacy Committee Lead; WadeBetts?, Accessibility Committee Lead.
- Wayves' journal of Halifax Pride is here.
- (Ross: No. 36)
- 2024
- Pride had a AGM -- missing Financial Reports -- on October 5, 2023. The Board elected on that date was: Adam Reid; KayMacDonald?; CarmelFarahbakhsh?; JennWaugh?; HaydenOMalley?; SaraGordon?; MoPhùng? . Here are the notes from it.
- There was no Interfaith Pride Service this year.
- Wayves' journal of Halifax Pride is here.
- (Ross: No. 37)
- 2025 : Dates: Festival July 17 to 27, Parade Day July 19
- At the AGM on October 2, 2024, members elected AdamReid?, CarmelFarahbakhsh?, ConnorMcKiggan, KayMacdonald?, JennWaugh?, ScottGillard?, BradyReid?, JustinGreek?, MelodyLumen?, KathleenKing?, and OnnaYoung?.
- Wayves' journal of Halifax Pride is here.
- (Ross: No. 38)
This page is part of the HistoryProject. Much info will also fall out of the GAEZETTE/Wayves Index Project. Here, we'll want at the very least:
- dates
- logos
- the names of the committee members
- award winners
- events.
- how many participants.