2007 GroupsAndServices
===History=== This is a historical record of the groups and services listed in WayvesMagazine in 2007-12 . . . http://To be released * '''Tightrope''', Halifax: leather & denim brotherhood. . . .
18K - last updated 2023-02-17 11:10 by DanielMacKay
2017-07-17 LookingBackAtQueerHalifax
=Looking Back At Queer Halifax= First done during Pride 2016, QueerActs hosted some of our community's . . . meeting at Gottingen Street location - TightRope - 'really great space for political activism' . . .
8K - last updated 2021-06-03 20:30 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/AlStewart/2002_02.jpg February 2002 =Alan Roy Stewart= 1942-05-08 - 2020-06-10 . . . Thirties social group]], TightRope, MacLeather, [[GayHealthAssociation|MacAIDS]], . . . nuns, MarilynLamb, manager of Rumours 01:12:45 * TightRope, Men's leather brotherhood, Leather community; . . . barring people; transgendered member 01:17:00 * TightRope - end due to controversy with president 01:20:25 . . .
8K - last updated 2025-03-22 08:36 by DanielMacKay
=Christopher Kenneth Doucette= 1972-08-28 - 2015-09-12 https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/ChrisDoucette/22.jpg . . . In the 90's he got involved with Tightrope, a leather, and denim group. The friends . . .
5K - last updated 2024-01-29 08:52 by DanielMacKay
=Daniel MacKay= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/DanielMacKay/2018-02-13.jpg 2018-02 I was born in the early . . . Norval & MikeTeal and I joined TightRope on 2001-11-24. Starting in 2000, I started . . .
11K - last updated 2025-03-13 08:52 by DanielMacKay
==Fetish Ball I -- April 24th 2004== https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/FetishBall/2005/logo.png Design by Wolf . . . Mr. Atlantic Canada Leather Society writes: TightRope and the MacLeather Society would like to . . .
5K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:54 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TightRope/1993-06-24_Hfx_Pride_Parade_RogerJohnson.JPG At the 1993 Pride Parade. . . . :P Looks great in his leather.. great asset to Tightrope.... 2000/2001: MacLeather contestant. 2005: . . .
1K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:54 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/HistoryPeople_cartoon.jpg Here is a list of early activists in Halifax - seriously . . . GaeGala, Wayves, LesbianGayRightsNovaScotia, TightRope founding member, MacLeather Society founding . . . Wind In China'' a play about AIDS * AlStewart: TightRope founding president, MacLeather judge * BobStout: . . .
7K - last updated 2024-12-08 21:56 by lynn murphy
This page is for discussion of IsCans and MacLeather both having the same chair. Content was moved in . . . the premier community leather organisation (Tightrope is more of a members club) as a marker of . . .
14K - last updated 2020-08-26 19:50 by DanielMacKay
==What Is A Leatherman?== Leather is not just a clothing style, but a lifestyle and an attitude. The . . . to get you started on your journey. ==Links== * TightRope: (defunkt) Atlantic Canada's Leather Brotherhood . . . keep the ToolBoxEast busy. Currently, we have TightRope and MacLeather as our leather groups, and . . .
7K - last updated 2023-09-24 10:26 by DanielMacKay
LynnMurphy fonds
This is is a description of one of the fonds in the RainbowSeniorsArchive. Donor: LynnMurphy [https://findingaids.library.dal.ca/lynn-murphy-fonds . . . of groups: Housing Coop, AIDS NS, OverThirties, TightRope, [[LiveAndLetLive|Gay AA]], [[GaeGala|GALA]], . . .
2K - last updated 2024-09-10 17:49 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/MACLeather/logo.gif Logo designed by MACL committee, executed by Chris Aucoin . . . Edward Island Fairly complete MACLeather & TightRope archival materials can be found in the RainbowSeniorsArchive . . .
10K - last updated 2023-06-06 22:49 by DanielMacKay
28 January, OfficerDick writes: I\x92m very impressed. DougMelanson and his business partner DavidLandry . . . and David..you worked hard and it shows. ---- Tightrope held a social meet at Menz last night and . . .
6K - last updated 2006-01-29 12:00 by 1463
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/MikeSangster/2013-07-31.jpg July 31, 2013 =Mike Sangster= 1951-06-03 - 2022-07-17 . . . included a couple of lesbians. Later it became TightRope; Al was the first President and Mike was . . . the second. Tightrope did the [[MacLeather|MAC Leather]] competition . . . He was there at the creation of MAC Leather and Tightrope, he was there when we created the Elderberries, . . .
6K - last updated 2022-11-13 10:00 by DanielMacKay
MikeSangster fonds
This is is a description of one of the fonds in the RainbowSeniorsArchive. Donor: MikeSangster and AlStewart . . . via Mike TightRope materials * Photo album, event on !McNab's . . . after the Pride Parade hosted by LeithChu * Tightrope poster, undated * Society correspondence . . . * Postcard from NY from AllisonMcGee, Tightrope secretary * 1999 “Mr Gay Leatherman Atlantic” . . . local, Mr San Francisco Leather 2002 postcard * Tightrope – Who we are & What We Do card * From Spearhead . . .
4K - last updated 2023-06-27 12:09 by DanielMacKay
This page lists photos in the HRE that could possibly be inappropriate for kids. Initially compiled for . . . be good to snip it * St. Priapus Church folder * Tightrope folder The photos are usually extracted from . . .
1K - last updated 2023-06-11 17:04 by DanielMacKay
=History Of Pride Celebrations In Halifax= This article documents past Halifax Pride celebrations. For . . . co-sponsored by Rumours and Studio Lounge. Tightrope marshalling and open house later. Friends . . .
39K - last updated 2025-03-14 22:24 by DanielMacKay
===Photos=== Photos are all fixed width. Sorry. * The full width of the screen is 740px. * Half is thus . . . the thumbnail in the right margin: [[EventIcon:TightRope]] ===Mark-Up Language=== * It's called ''UseMod'' . . .
4K - last updated 2024-02-22 08:48 by DanielMacKay
=Tightrope= https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TightRope/1993-06-24_Hfx_Pride_Parade_RogerJohnson.JPG At the . . . GlennDeGeer on the right; Photo by RogerJohnson TightRope was the East Coast's leather/alternative . . . : Last renewal with the RJSC ; 2007-11-17 : !TightRope's last AGM and final meeting. The group's . . . by MikeLandry (copied in below.) Much of the Tightrope society history is in the [[MikeSangster . . . The society's website was www.geocities.com/tightropehfx - [https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/TightRope/web_071117 . . .
7K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:57 by DanielMacKay
https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/WalterBorden/2005.jpg 2005 =Walter Borden= B. 1942-07-20 Borden grew up in . . . two decades of the community in Halifax. ===Tightrope Time=== https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/WalterBorden/1986_TightropeTime_poster.jpg . . . https://gay.hfxns.org/pics/WalterBorden/Tightrope_Time_Cover.jpg In the early 1980s Borden . . . wrote and performed in ''Tightrope Time: Ain't Nuthin' More Than Some Itty Bitty . . . George Elliot Clarke on the significance of Tightrope Time. "In making this gesture, Borden is . . .
7K - last updated 2024-03-29 11:45 by DanielMacKay
20 pages found.