This is is a description of one of the fonds in the RainbowSeniorsArchive.
Donor: LynnMurphy
The main catalog of the fonds is here.
Pride 1996 3-ring binder
- Pride Telephone Book. KevinBarlow?, AngelaBerrette?, HeatherBurke?, RobertByers, MauraDonovan, BillElliott, HalForbes, AnneFulton, RonGarnettDoucette, BrianGarnettDoucette?, JulieHarvey?, BarryHeath, WilsonHodder, KatherineHughes?, DanJoseph?, RobertJohnson?, HarveyMacDonald?, JimCacSwain?, RobinMetcalfe, KenMalay?, CharlesMoore?, DonMurchy?, LynnMurphy, Police (Charlie Zone) Cliff Falkenham, ColinPye?, RedHerringBookstore, TomRomard?, JamesShedden?, StonewallTavern, AlStewart, RobThomson?, JaneKansas, LisVanBerkel?, MaryWalsh?, JimWorthen?, DarleneYoung.
- Fundraising letter
- List of groups: Housing Coop, AIDS NS, OverThirties?, TightRope, Gay AA, GALA, GAEZETTE, SafeHarbourChurch, Lesbians And Children Together, TheStudio, New Men's Group - Brian, SAAFE (NSAC group), Central Nova.
- Statement Of Purpose
- A big public readings section
- Meeting minutes
- Meeting announcement posters
- September, 1994 Los Angeles Pride newsletter
- Letter about dissatisfaction between the StonewallTavern and Birdland as venues
- Letter from SvendRobinson? declining the invitation
- People / organizations to thank
- Women's Pride Dance